Nomination and Application form deadlines

Autumn semester: 30th June (or the following working day if it is a weekend day)

Spring semester: 31st October (or the following working day if it is a weekend day)

Any nomination and application received after the deadlines won’t be considered.

Each student has to be formally nominated by their home university. The nomination has to be sent via email to with the following info:

  • Full name of the student (as stated in the ID/Passport);
  • Degree and Level of study;
  • Email address;
  • Length of stay (semester/s) and number of months.


Please BE CAREFUL: Information for extra UE citizens

The Italian law on immigration requires that extra-EU citizens planning to stay in Italy for more than 3 months, have to apply for the residence permit within 8 working days from their arrival in Italy. It costs about 120 €. 

Extra-EU citizens have to submit the residence permit application at a post office. In order to collect the kit for the application submission and for support in filling out the application form, students will find assistance at the ISMOKA office. you can come at ISMOKA Office, where cultural mediators will assist you. The service is free of charge.3 steps to get enrolled in Unica

FIRST STEP - Online registration

Each nominated student has to register into the UNICA system named ESSE3:

1) Click on the link Servizi Online

2) Open the menu (at the top right of the page) and click on “Registration” under “Reserved Area” or directly at the left side of the webpage on the word “Registrazione”

3) Click on the button “Registrazione Web” at the bottom of the page

4) As you do not have a fiscal code, tick the section “Dichiaro di essere uno studente straniero senza Codice Fiscale Italiano?” that is “I declare I am a foreign student with no Italian Fiscal Code” and go ahead clicking on the button “Avanti”.

5) Fill out the following sections using ONLY the basic alphabet without any special characters:

  • your personal details, that is name and surname as stated in your ID/Passport document;
  • your permanent address (remember to specify from which date it is valid in “data inizio validità indirizzo” and tick the box “Domicile is the same as the residence” if so);
  • choose “Residence” for “documents address” and tick the “S” (that is Sì/Yes) for “Informativa per gli studenti”;

6) Choose an adequate password for your online account, considering that

  • it must have at least 8 characters
  • it must have at least 1 letter
  • it must have at least 1 number
  • it must be no longer than 10 characters

7) Once the password has been confirmed, a registration summary will be presented. Click on the button “Conferma” (Confirm) to proceed with your authentication;

8) Click on the button “Print receipt” and save the .pdf document

9) Verify the password in the section “proceed authentication” logging in again;

10) Please upload a passport size photo on Home > Foto > Upload foto.

Please remember that you have to log out when closing the browser, especially if you are using public computers, public wi-fi or classroom computers.

11) Once the online registration process is finished, you can fill in the online application form at the following link (Application form).

Aid for online services is provided to students by email writing to


SECOND STEP – finalize your registration

Please send a confirmation e-mail to the ISMOKA Office – – with the following documents:

the pdf document of your online registration you saved at number 8);

ONLY if you forgot to send the documents required while filling the Application form (number 11), send us a scan copy of your updated Identity Card/Passport; a scan copy of your health insurance (EHIC -European Health Insurance Card) or a private health insurance for medical assistance;

a declaration of your home university stating your ERASMUS status;

the ETCS Learning Agreement both in word and pdf format (please no handwriting on it). Remember the Learning Agreement you send must have your signature and the one of your Home University responsible;

The courses information needed to fill in the Learning Agreement can be found on the following link Course Catalogue. Should you need any help, please send an email to our Faculty Erasmus Desks:

  • Biology and Pharmacy  
  • Economic, Law and Political Sciences
  • Engineering and Architecture
  • Humanities
  • Sciences
  • Medicine 

Once your application has been processed, we will send you an Acceptance email with all the instructions regarding the steps to follow once you arrive in Cagliari. Please check the email regularly.

THIRD STEP: Finally in Cagliari

In order to register your arrival in Cagliari as quickly as possible, please send us an email to with your arrival ticket to Cagliari, your name and surname and the Arrival Form provided by your University (if any).

As soon as ready, you will receive your certificate by e-email.

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