Euraxess Centre for researchers mobility

Euraxess Service Centre at University of Cagliari


Head:  Tiziana Cubeddu +390706758442

Staff: Ester Maria Loi +390706758547

Address: Via San Giorgio n. 12, Entrance 3 - 2nd Floor - 09124 Cagliari - Italy


Our office at the University of Cagliari has been providing a unique support service to researchers in mobility for more than 15 years. In 2011 our office has become Euraxess service centre as part of the Euraxess network of the European Commission, and it is the only Euraxess service centre in Sardinia.

Whether researchers are from EU Countries or from non-EU Countries, we provide them and their families with free of charge and personalised  information to organise their move to our country for short-term or long-term periods.

Euraxess Service Centre - Sardinia

For outgoing researchers

For outgoing researchers who think to pursue their career abroad, we disseminate up-to-date information and give advice on funding opportunities and job vacancies according to their interests through our website, our mailing list service and our front office Helpdesk.

For incoming researchers

For incoming researchers wishing to study or work in Sardinia, we give information about administrative duties and procedures (visa, permit of stay, health insurance, bank account, taxation, social security etc.), before their arrival and during the whole period they spend in Sardinia. We also provide them with practical information relating to accommodation, everyday life, school for children, language courses, and translation services.
We welcome you and invite you to contact us for further information

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