Borsa di ricerca
24 April 2018


SELEZIONE PER L’ATTRIBUZIONE DI N.1 BORSA DI RICERCA DAL TITOLO “Rilevamenti geomorfologici e Analisi geotecniche degli ambiti litorali interessati alla deposizione di resti fogliari a Posidonia oceanica”


Expiration date: 15 May 2018
Structure: Dipartimento scienze e chimiche geologiche

Borsa di ricerca
15 February 2018

Mineralogical, petrographical and chemical characterization and data processing of metamorphic rocks belonging to the Sardinia-Corsica metamorphic basement

The research will be focused on the mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical characterization of metamorphic rocks from the Sardinia-Corsica Variscan basement. Pre-existent data on these rocks will also be considered and processed. The aim is to reconstruct the metamorphic evolution in this sector of the southern Variscan chain. The successful candidate will carry out some field work, as well as mineralogical, petrographical and microstructural analyses by the polarizing microscope. Data processing will be carried out by using some specific software.    

Expiration date: 07 March 2018

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