EU and USA grant office
The EU and USA grant office provides technical and administrative assistance to researchers and administrative offices of the University for the submission, management, and reporting of European projects funded by the European Commission's framework programs and by the National Institute of Health (NIH). In particular, for EU projects the office supports its researchers in the following 3 main phases:
- Pre-award assistance: in analyzing different funding opportunities and/or specific calls, building international consortia, and preparing the financial plan. The office also supports researchers and their partners during the contract signing phase for the preparation of the preliminary project documents and in all the interactions with the EU and the partners of the consortium.
- In progress assistance: during the life of the project the office offers its support in administrative, financial, and accounting management and assists the researchers for accurate project reporting and preparation of financial reports (Form C).
- Post-award assistance: in reviewing and preparing documentation thoroughly and accurately in case of economic and financial verifications by the European Commission (second-level audit).
The office operates in close collaboration with the Working Group for the promotion and participation in European research programs, which brings together expertise from various University offices, to grant the necessary assistance to the Rector's Delegate for international projects, Prof. Luigi Raffo.
Furthermore, with reference to Horizon Europe programme, the office cooperates with APRE, the Agency for the Promotion of European Research, which provides information, support, assistance, and training activities to enhance the participation of our University to the calls of the European framework programs.
Contact us:
Simona Scalas
Research and Territory Division
via San Giorgio 12 - building 3 (2nd floor) - 09124 Cagliari
ph. +39 070 675.8441
Monica Marini
Research and Territory Division
via San Giorgio 12 - building 3 (2nd floor) - 09124 Cagliariph.+39 070 6756526
Rosamaria Porcu
Research and Territory Division
via San Giorgio 12 - building 3 (2nd floor) - 09124 Cagliari
ph. +39 070 675.6560