Sezione dedicata alle opportunità di studio e tirocinio delle Università estere

18 November 2018

2019 Warwick Summer School

Applications for 2019 Warwick Summer School in collaboration with St Mary's (Sun 14 July - Sat 3 August) are now open.

06 November 2018

Adzuna Studente dell’Anno 2018

Adzuna ha messo in palio un pacchetto di premi per aiutare a intraprendere la carriera dei sogni per studenti e neolaureati. Premio in contanti di €4,000 e la possibilità di uno stage presso una società leader nel loro settore preferito. Iscrizione valida per la partecipazione fino al 31 dicembre.

13 June 2018


Pubblicato il nuovo bando nell’ambito della Convenzione MAECI-MIUR-CRUI per 19 tirocini curriculari presso le Scuole italiane all’estero, in particolare presso gli 8 istituti statali omnicomprensivi con sede ad Addis Abeba, Asmara, Atene, Barcellona, Istanbul, Madrid, Parigi e Zurigo. I tirocini si svolgeranno a partire da settembre 2018 e avranno durata trimestrale con possibilità di proroga di un mese.

06 June 2018

Scholarships for International Students in Japan 2018-2019

JASSO provides scholarships to overseas students and to Japanese students studying abroad, implements international exchange programs, improves admission procedures by administering the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students, etc. and collects and disseminates information on studying abroad. JASSO strives to enhance to provide better programs for the strategic acceptance of overseas students and the development of young Japanese who will play active roles in the world.

25 February 2018

English Pathway Studies Scholarship in Australia

The Bond University English Pathway Studies Scholarship offers high academic achievers who have received an offer to study at Bond University, with tuition assistance for the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program.

21 February 2018

Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies 2018

The Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies offering intensive Czech language courses are organised by several public universities in the Czech Republic: Charles University (Faculty of Arts, Prague), Charles University Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies, Pod?brady, Masaryk University (Faculty of Arts, Brno), Palacký University in Olomouc (Faculty of Arts, Olomouc), University of South Bohemia in ?eské Bud?jovice (Faculty of Arts, ?eské Bud?jovice) and the University of West Bohemia in Plze?.

20 February 2018

The Bayreuth International Summer School 2018

From 1 to 15 July 2018, the Bayreuth International Summer School (BISS) welcomes students from all over the world to join our courses at the campus of the University of Bayreuth.

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