UniCa About Professors and Researchers Michela Giordano Teaching materials LINGUA INGLESE I (corsi vecchi AO e SP prima del 2019-2020)

Michela Giordano

LINGUA INGLESE I (corsi vecchi AO e SP prima del 2019-2020)

12 November 2020

Lingua Inglese I

Materiali Lezioni

Presentazione programma Inglese I 2015-2016

Titles for compositions 2015-2016

Rules for compositions

SCORING RUBRIC FOR WRITING (per la valutazione delle compositions)


Week 1
Immagine-da-descrivere (1) In the sitting room
01-Personal Pronouns _subject
02-To Be Simple Present
07-To Have Got Simple Present
10- The Plural of Nouns
11-Irregular Plurals
23-There is,There are
65-Other Prepositions of place (2)
08-Simple Present _1
09-Simple Present _2
17-Third Person Singular _Spelling
Helen’s Day
What is the plural of

Week 2
Unit 01New Total English -Likes and Dislikes
Unit 01New Total English-24 Hours
I like-I hate
Jenny e Phil translation
Write your daily routine
Esercizi sul simple present-beginners
29-Adverbs of frequency
28-To Have, To Have Got
18-Present Continuous _1
19-Gerund, -ing form
20-Present Continuous _2
21-Simple Present or Present Continuous _1
22-Simple Present or Present Continuous _2

Week 3
Unit 02New Total English-The Mozart effect-Reading comprehension questions
31-Simple Past _Regular verbs
32-Past tense -ed endings
33-Simple Past _Irregular Verbs
34-Simple Past _Negative and Question
39-Past Tense
Exercise with regular verbs
Exercise with irregular verbs
Speaking exercise-Where did you go on holiday

Recupero 1-Simple present 
Recupero-Present Continuous

Exercises on Simple Past
New Total Grammar translation page 41-simple past 

Week 4
New Total Grammar-Unit 14 Past simple-exercises
New Total Grammar-Unit 15 Past simple-exercises
New Total Grammar-Unit 16 Past simple-exercises
Last Tuesday-simple past
Have you ever…

Week 5
Specific English Unit 3

Week 6
Comparing people-exercises
The circus is in town-comparatives and superlatives

Reading comprehension-Joey
Reading comprehension-Going underground
Reading comprehension-Immigration
Reading comprehension-Apartheid
Unit 17_present perfect exercises
Unit 18_present perfect exercises
Unit 19-present perfect exercises
Unit 20-present perfect exercises
Unit 12-simple past exercises

Week 7
85-Used to
36-Future Simple Shall-Will
37-Future Going to
38-Ways of expressing the future
101-Can _tenses
106-Must and have to
107-Modals _can, must, have to, should
110-Modals overview
New Total Grammar-Unit 32 Will
New Total Grammar-Unit 31 Be going to
Future-present continuous exercise
Diary-Future plans with present continuous
Frasi da tradurre sui modali

Week 8
Unit 09New Total English-Ben gets dream job-vocabulary
75-Present Conditional
76-First Conditional
77-Second Conditional
147-Count nouns and non count nouns _2

New Total Grammar-Unit 149 Periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo
First Conditional _exercise 2Translation
Esercizi much, many, lots of, a lot of
Esercizi much-many
Esercizi some-any-no
Few-Little exercises

Week 9
Customs worldwide-summary
New Total Grammar-Unit 26 Past Perfect-exercises
Past Perfect-exercises si possono consegnare ai tutors e lettori

Week 10
New words for the seminar-23 May 2016
New Total Grammar-Unit 143 Passivo
120-Passive Form _1
121-Passive form _2
122-The passive _3

Week 11
Unit 12New Total English-Honesty is the best policy-Reading comprehension questions
Gap filling-The history of English

Mock Test LINGUA INGLESE 1-31 MAY 2016

Mock June 2015

Mock June 2015-keys


01-Personal Pronouns _subject

02-To Be Simple Present

03-The Definite Article _1

04-The Definite Article _2

05-The Indefinite Article _1

06-The Indefinite Article _2

07-To Have Got Simple Present

08-Simple Present _1

09-Simple Present _2

10- The Plural of Nouns

11-Irregular Plurals

14-Plurals _3

16-The Time

17-Third Person Singular _Spelling

18-Present Continuous _1

19-Gerund, -ing form

20-Present Continuous _2

21-Simple Present or Present Continuous _1

22-Simple Present or Present Continuous _2

23-There is,There are

24-Possessive Adjectives and Pronous

25-Cardinal Numbers

26-Ordinal Numbers

28-To Have, To Have Got

29-Adverbs of frequency

30- Some and any

31-Simple Past _Regular verbs

32-Past tense -ed endings

33-Simple Past _Irregular Verbs

34-Simple Past _Negative and Question


36-Future Simple Shall-Will

37-Future Going to

38-Ways of expressing the future

39-Past Tense

40-Idioms with to be

42-Possessive ‘s _1

43-Possessive ‘s _2

44-Wh- questions

47-Relative Pronouns _1

51- Comparatives and Superlatives 1

52-Comparatives and Superlatives _2

63-Prepositions of time

64-Prepositions of place _1

68-Present Perfect _1

69-Use of the present perfect _1

70-Simple past or present perfect

71-The past continuous

72-Yet and already

73-Use of the present perfect _3

74-Use of the present perfect _4

75-Present Conditional

76-First Conditional

77-Second Conditional

79-Do and make

80-To do81-To make _1

82-To make _2

85-Used to



101-Can _tenses


106-Must and have to

107-Modals _can, must, have to, should

110-Modals overview

120-Passive Form _1

121-Passive form _2

122-The passive _3

146-Count nouns and non count nouns

147-Count nouns and non count nouns _2

149- Past Perfect _1

150-Past perfect_2

Common Irregular Verbs with phonetic symbols

SIMPLE PAST-RipassoBeginners


Translation Unit 1 Total English

Translation Unit 2 Total English

Translation Unit 3 Total English

Translation Unit 4 Total English

Translation Unit 5 Total English

Translation Unit 6 Total English

Translation Unit 7 Total English

Translation Unit 8 Total English

Translation Unit 9 Total English

Translation Unit 10 Total English

Translation Unit 11 Total English

Translation Unit 12 Total English


MOCK EXAM 22ND MAY 2013-keys

Mock Test 3 June 2014

Mock Test 3 June 2014-KEYS

Questionnaire and social

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