Ultrafast Spectroscopy

Ultrafast Spectroscopy

The lab is devoted to the characterization of ligth-matter interaction on a very short time-scale, both in emission and absorption.

The lab is equipped for time-resolved characterization of photo-physic properties in absorption and emission, in the UV-VIS-NIR spectral range and in the femtosecond-nanosecond domain.

The services provided are: Time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) by Streak Camera and Pump-Probe Transient Absorption in multi-colour configuration.

These techniques find application in several fields, such as materials characterization, pharmacology and biomedicine.

The lab expertise is mainly focused on photonics and optoelectronics innovative materials, but specifically tailored experiments can be adressed on different materials on demand.

Equipment: Ti:Sapphire Regenerative amplifier: Coherent Libra-F-1K-HE-230, emission wavelength 800 nm, 1-kHz repetition rate, 100 fs pulses, pulse energy >4 mJ/pulse;

Optical Parametric amplifier: Coherent TOPAS-800-fs-UV-1, tuning range: 275-1600 nm

Ti:Sapphire Oscillator: Coherent Chameleon Ultra II, emission wavelength tunable between 690 and 1040 nm, 80 MHz repetition rate, 100 fs pulses, pulse energy up to 50 pJ/pulse (with variable pulse picker and second harmonic generator).

Transient Absorption Spectrometer: Ultrafast Systems HE-EOS-8000-UV-VIS-NIR System for Time-resolved fluorescence (TRF): Hamamatsu C10910-01 Universal Streak Camera + Acton Research Corporation SpectraPro 2300 Spectrograph.

For further information about our Ultrafast Spectroscopy services, please contact: cesar@unica.it

Dr. Marco Marceddu

phone: +39 070 675 6584, email: marco.marceddu@unica.it


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