News and Deadlines

23 February 2024

Cycles XXXV and XXXVI - Award of PhD degree, AY 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 - MARCH 2024

Final Examinations in March 2024: Deadlines to submit the applications for the Final Examination and upload the PhD thesis, Rector's Decree for the appointment of the Examination Committee - PhD programme in Electronic and Computer Engineering. Update of 8th March 2024: Rector's Decree for the appointment of the Examination Committee - PhD programme in Mathematics and Computer Science

12 January 2024

Cycles XXXIV, XXXV and XXXVI - Award of PhD degree, AY 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 - FEBRUARY 2024

Final Examinations in February 2024: Deadlines to submit the applications for the Final Examination and upload the PhD thesis, Rector's Decree for the appointment of Examination Committees - PhD programmes in Phylosophy, Epistemology, Human Science; Electronic and Computer Engineering; Industrial Engineering; Mathematics and Computer Science; Neurosciences; Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technologies; Innovation Sciences and Technologies; Economics and Business; Legal Sciences; History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies

14 December 2023

ESAMI FINALI GENNAIO 2024 – XXXV e XXXVI ciclo. Conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca - a.a. 2021/2022 e 2022/2023

Pubblicate le scadenze per la presentazione delle domande di ammissione all'esame finale e upload della tesi relative alla sessione d'esame di gennaio 2024, e il Decreto Rettorale di nomina della Commissione giudicatrice - Dottorato in Fisica (XXXVI ciclo) Aggiornamento del 21.12.2023: Decreto Rettorale di nomina della Commissione giudicatrice - Dottorato in Ingegneria industriale (XXXV ciclo)

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