Joint Supervision of PhD Thesis

Joint supervision of PhD thesis (Cotutelle)

È ben difficile, in geografia come in morale, capire il mondo senza uscire di casa propria (Voltaire)

Cotutelle is a specific agreement to write a PhD thesis under the joint supervision of a Professor from UniCa and a Professor from a foreign Institution. Both of them act as Supervisors for the PhD student.

How to start a joint supervision of PhD thesis

If you are a PhD student of UniCa, with the support of your supervisor, you will propose a research project and a person of reference abroad.

In order to start your joint supervision of PhD thesis, you have to submit your application by the first semester of the second year. You can download the application form at the bottom of this webpage and submit it to:

  • PhD and Professional Master Office (Settore Dottorati e Master);
  • Academic Board of your PhD programme.

If you are a PhD student of a foreign university, you will propose a research project and a person of reference at UniCa. You can download the application form at the bottom of this webpage and submit it to:

  • PhD and Professional Master Office (Settore Dottorati e Master);
  • Academic Board of your PhD programme.

At a later time, you should provide the e-mail address of the Office in charge of cotutelle agreemnets at the partner University.

As a PhD student under a cotutelle agreement, you will be enrolled at both Universities and you will have to spend a period between 6 and 18 months at the partner University.

Upon a single PhD defence of your PhD thesis at one of the University signing the cotutelle agreement, you will receive a double PhD degree recognised by both Universities.


For further information:

PhD and Professional Master's Office:

Monica Carta, e-mail:,

Roberta Leu, e-mail:

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