UniCa UniCa News Communication Award of PhD scholarships - Cycle XXXIX, Academic Year 2023/2024: NRRP funds

Award of PhD scholarships - Cycle XXXIX, Academic Year 2023/2024: NRRP funds

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

24 January 2024
Rector's Decrees for the award of PhD scholarships financed by NRRP and instructions on how to receive them


Rector's Decree no. 68 of 24.1.2024 - PhD scholaships funded by NRRP funds

Rector's Decree no. 69 of 24.1.2024 - PhD scholaships funded by NRRP funds ("Attrattività dei borghi storici")

According to the article 10 of the Notice of competition for the admission to PhD programmes of Cycle XXXVIII, exceeding the income limit will result in the loss of the scholarship and will imply the duty to give back the monthly payments already received for a specific year.

Scholarships are annual and can be renewed provided that the PhD student has completed the programme of activities for the previous year, verified by the Academic Board. Scholarships will be paid through monthly deferred payments. 

To fill in the forms below, necessary to start the payment procedure, foreign PhD students must wait for the Euraxess Office to contact them!

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