News and Deadlines

09 March 2023

Cycles XXXIV and XXXV - Award of PhD degree, AY 202072021 and 2021/2022 - APRIL 2023

Final Examinations in April 2023: Deadlines to submit the applications for the Final Examination and upload the PhD thesis and Rector's Decree for the appointment of Examination Committees - PhD programmes in Physics, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Innovation Sciences and Technologies, Economics and Business, Legal Science, History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies. Update of 20th March 2023: new time and place PhD disertation in History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies; Rector's Decree for the appointment of Examination Committees - PhD programmes in Molecular and Translational Medicine, Philological and Literary, Historical and cultural Studies.

25 February 2023

Graduatorie concorsi per l’ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca - A.A. 2022/2023, XXXVIII ciclo - Borse PNRR (bando gennaio 2023)/Admission to PhD programmes: Rankings, AY 2022/2023, Cycle XXXVIII - NRRP scholarships (Notice of January 2023)

Pubblicazione delle graduatorie dei concorsi per l’ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca – A.A. 2022/2023, XXXVIII ciclo - Borse PNRR. Istruzioni per l'immatricolazione e modulistica Admission to PhD programmes: AY 2022/2023 ranking lists - NRRP scholarships. Instructions to enrol in a PhD programme of Cycle XXXVIII

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