INTER.M.O.F. Project
We inform all students already included in the final ranking of the 22nd of July 2021, who are not yet enrolled in the courses, that they can express their interest in participating in one of the newly activated courses.
>Applications must be sent from 12.00 a.m. on 14/10/2021 to 12.00 p.m. on 22/10/2021 by filling out the online form available at the following link:
>For further information see the following link:
Within the framework of the agreement signed between the University of Cagliari and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Service for Tertiary Education and Youth Policies – Department of Public Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport), the University Language Centre has been entrusted with the task of organising courses and a tutoring service in English for students with special needs in order to tackle the phenomenon of university drop-out, increase the level of transversal skills, develop distance learning of English and promote specific and tailor-made teaching for them.
After completing the selections for the supporting staff, language experts and tutors, the University Language Centre will open the
enrolment to 38 English language courses (20 A1 and A2, 10 B1 and 8 B2 courses).
Student eligibility criteria:
1. enrolment in the second and third year of bachelor's degrees, the second or the following years of single-cycle master’s degrees, and the first or second year of two-year master’s degrees;
2. low certified ISEE income;
3. low language skills and learning difficulties (followed by the SIA Service of our University) as part of the INTER.M.O.F. project “ENGLISH LANGUAGE: TRANSVERSAL SKILLS AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS” concerning the “Interventions for the improvement of the educational offer through the enhancement of transversal skills in the linguistic field, of the teaching to students with special needs, the development of supplementary teaching materials and of tutoring measures in university education and/or equivalent”, funded by POR/FSE 2014-2020. CUP F27B20002790006.
- INTER.M.O.F.-UNICA Agreement (29/09/2020)
- UNICA_Bando_CLA_INTERMOF_Student*_2020_21
- Comunicazione Bando Student* per corsi INTERMOF (aggiornamento 09/06/2021)
- Nomina commissione giudicatrice
- Rettifica nomina commissione giudicatrice
- Graduatoria generale provvisoria
- Graduatoria provvisoria - Accesso Corsi A1
- Graduatoria provvisoria - Accesso Corsi A2
- Graduatoria provvisoria - Accesso Corsi B1
- Graduatoria provvisoria - Accesso Corsi B2
- Graduatoria generale definitiva
- Graduatoria definitiva - Accesso Corsi A1
- Graduatoria definitiva - Accesso Corsi A2
- Graduatoria definitiva - Accesso Corsi B1
- Graduatoria definitiva - Accesso Corsi B2
- UNICA_Avviso manifestazione d'interesse CLA_INTERMOF_pubblicato.pdf