UniCa UniCa News Avvisi Summer Schools 2021 EDUC Alliance - Call for application

Summer Schools 2021 EDUC Alliance - Call for application

Autore dell'avviso: [70/90] Corso di Laurea Mag. Comp. Eng. Cyber AI

16 aprile 2021
Open call to two summer schools within the EDUC Alliance


The University of Cagliari is part of the EDUC consortium funded within the Erasmus action "European Universities". A selection is open to all students from the University of Cagliari to participate to two summer schools:

For each summer school, 5 students of the University of Cagliari will be selected, and the grant that will be awarded to the selected students is expected to cover all the expenses (depending on the travel costs). 

You can apply through the ESSE3 portal.

The participation to the summer school will be recognised with credits (the exact number to be defined)

Deadline, April 30

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