Students from the Universities of Potsdam, Paris Nanterre, Rennes 1, Masaryk and Pécs can apply until the 30th September on EDUC course catalogue for a wide offer of online courses that will start in spring.
University of Cagliari offers 60 places (10 students for each University) for each one of the six courses listed below.
The asynchronous courses will start the 30th September 7th October 2022 and will have to be concluded by the 2th of December 2022. The organizing teachers will be available for online tutoring. Students will take the evaluation test in October, November and December.
All the students will receive the result of the acceptance before the 7th October 2022.
Browse the course offer on the EDUC catalogue:
1) Marketing and Corporate communication Prof. Lovari (2 ECTS)
The main goal of the course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, tools (theoretical and methodological) that will enable them to:
- Learn the strategic role of marketing for companies and organizations
- Learn the evolving characteristics of corporate communication, with a specific focus on its strategies and tools
- Learn the importance of digital platforms and social media for companies and organizations
- Create and manage a digital communication project work, with a particular focus on social network sites.
The course does not require specific competences or prerequisites. Basic knowledge of communication and media could be useful. Students without these competences could study specific didactic material uploaded into the platform like slides, short articles, or podcasts. Minimum B2 English knowledge
2) History of medieval art Prof. Pala (2 ECTS)
Students will have to acquire the ability to read a work of medieval art in its technical, iconographic and iconological, formal and stylistic, historical and cultural values, and understanding the historical-artistic path.
The main course contents are the following:
- Methods of reading medieval works of art
- Evolutionary phases of medieval art from the beginning of the IV to the end of the XIV century, with reference to Sardinia
- Monumental contexts and single late antique, Roman-Barbarian, Byzantine, Longobard, Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque and Gothic works of art, with reference to Sardinia
- Comparisons between Mediterranean and European medieval and Sardinian artistic monuments
None. Minimum B2 English knowledge
3) The future of Europe Prof. Rossi (3 ECTS)
The students of the Virtual Module of Future Europe, at the end of the course will get a general knowledge about the present and future politics of the European Union in a multidisciplinary framework. The course's aim is to give a basic knowledge that can help the students in understanding the functioning of the European Union and its action. The students will acquire the necessary tools to critically analyse the interaction between the EU ant the international and global dynamics and present problems. Students will also master the historiographic and political debate concerning the European Union issues; and will be able to elaborate analytical interpretative and autonomous judgement on the international role of the European Union.
General knowledge of History and International Politics, Contemporary History, Minimum B2 English knowledge
4) “International Environmental Law & Policy” Prof. Amoroso (3 ECTS)
The course pursues following aims:
- to provide students with basic knowledge as to the functioning of the international and UE legal orders, having regard to their sources of law, their compliance mechanisms, and their incorporation within the Italian legal order
- to offer a broad introduction to the principles governing international and EU environmental law, by paying particular heed to the foundational principle of sustainable development
No formal prerequisites are envisaged. Minimum B2 English knowledge
5) Culture and Society of Arab contemporary countries Prof. Manduchi (2 ECTS)
The course aimed at providing students with basic knowledge, analytical and methodological tools, and notions about history and institutions of the Arab world. In the last part of the course, the topics of the current best-known debate will be focused, even by specific workshops.
- Arab world and Muslim world: geographical areas, peoples, languages, cultures;
- Brief history of Islam (cent. VII-XX)
- The Prophet Muhammad
- The Qur'an, Sunnah (Hadiths), Shari'a (Sacred Law), and Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
- The Five Pillars of Faith,
- Sunnism, Shiism
- Contemporary Arab World
No specific prerequisites are provided, beyond those envisaged for the study course. Minimum B2 English knowledge
6) Law and Religion in Europe Prof. Durisotto (2 ECTS)
The course analyses European integration processes in the area of religious freedom, referring in particular to the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union. The course analyses UE legislative and jurisprudential measures concerning the religion in its different forms of expression, in particular the protection against all forms of religious discrimination.
Thanks to the course the students will be able to:
- Deepen their knowledge and ability to understand European integration processes in the area of religious freedom
- to master interactions between European and domestic law concerning religious freedom
- to independently evaluate and argue possible legal solutions to the main issues related to religious freedom, linked to European integration processes
- to communicate acquired legal skills and his or her opinions on issues addressed, including through the preparation of reports on the issues discussed
None. Minimum B2 English knowledge
Apply on EDUC course catalogue at this LINK