UniCa UniCa News Avvisi International Engineering and Technology Event

International Engineering and Technology Event

Autore dell'avviso: Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura

17 maggio 2021
Avviso relativo all'International Engineering and Technology Event, trasmesso dalla Sig.ra Mariana Oliveira di STEVE (Share the Technology Event)


My name is Mariana and I am a member of *EPIC Júnior* - the *Engineering Junior Enterprise from the University of Minho* - composed exclusively by dynamic, entrepreneuring students. Our Junior Enterprise is committed to increasing its impact on the student community, as it has already been doing through training sessions, events and networking opportunities between students and companies.

For this reason, EPIC Júnior has been preparing the *First International Engineering and Technology Event *- *STEVE *- which aims to connect students from different nationalities and academic backgrounds. STEVE is the event that will provide its participants with networking and productive interaction through moments of discussion about innovative subjects. This First Edition will take place on an *online platform*, on the *12th* and *13th *of *June*.

We believe that this will be a memorable event for all students whose curiosity for Engineering and Innovation is surpassed only by their desire to take on new challenges and to evolve continuously, both personally and professionally. STEVE will allow its participants to engage in a unique networking experience with all the companies and 
entities involved, which will, over time, prove to be a gateway for eventual new projects and opportunities.The event will also feature a number of different challenges and tournaments, with all winners being awarded surprise awards, which can sometimes be educational instruments, hi-tech gadgets and other fantastic rewards.

Given that the students from *University of Cagliari *are known for their professionalism and dedication, we believe that this Event will be a remarkable experience for them! Above all else, it is in their best interest to participate in the STEVE Event.

Therefore, it is with great honor that EPIC Júnior invites University of Cagliari to participate in this epic initiative and to contribute to the reach of this great event within the student community of *Italy*.

*Tickets *are already on sale via the link https://ticketline.sapo.pt/evento/steve-share-the-technology-event-54318 , so we look forward to hearing back from you.

Find our booklet attached, so you can learn more about the Event of The Year, and use the link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UIjP-IaP6yEUoM7YmKlcO0niJarXxkcR?usp=sharing  to access all the *STEVE material* you’ll need to *captivate *as many *students *as possible!

- A social media post.
- An Instagram story detailing the event.
- An Instagram story where you can place your logo in order to show you are part of the initiative. Make sure you tag or bookmark our page (@steve.event), so we are able to share your story or publications back.
- A folder with our logos so you can be creative and make your own post, if you wish.
- A poster, designed to be sent to all students by email or other means of communication.

Additionally, in order to see all the updates and surprises that we’ll be releasing, find our website and *social media links* below:

In case you have any questions you would like to see explained, we are wholeheartedly available to clarify you, either through this email or through a virtual call at a time that is of your convenience!

Once again, we look forward to your response and the challenge is on: 
will you take the opportunity to participate in the *largest networking event *in the world for students and young entrepreneurs?

With sincere appreciation,
Mariana Oliveira

/STEVE, Share the Technology Event/

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