Geometric Analysis

18 ottobre 2023

PhD Course / Reading course

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Available for downloading:

Non-symmetric solutions to overdetermined problems: preprint by D. Ruiz (2023)

Further material

A. Greco. On the curvature of functions blowing up on the boundary (manuscript).

A. Greco. Proprietà qualitative delle soluzioni di equazioni ellittiche via principio di massimo (Italian). PhD thesis (1994).

A. Greco. Simmetria radiale e stellarità delle soluzioni delle equazioni ellittiche (short talk, Italian). Meeting of the Italian Mathematical Union (UMI), Milano, 2003.

A. Greco. Symmetry and monotonicity results for solutions of semilinear PDEs in sector-like domains (short talk). Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis, Padova, 2021.

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