UniCa UniCa News Notizie Amilcare Porporato-Department of civil and environmental engineering Duke University

Amilcare Porporato-Department of civil and environmental engineering Duke University

15 ottobre 2015


Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura
Nell’ambito del programma “Visiting Professor 2014-15” dell’Università di Cagliari finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Prof. Amilcare Porporato
Department of civil and environmental engineering Duke University
Giovedì 15 e venerdi 16 Ottobre dalle ore 9 alle ore 13.
Aula A di Idraulica, Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, ambientale ed architettura
Via Marengo, 2
The short course will provide an overview of the recent research in ecohydrology.
After a brief review of thermodynamics to introduce the concept of soil water potential, the dynamics of water transport through the soil plant atmosphere continuum will be discussed at the hourly time scale in relation to the water controls on plant carbon assimilation through photosynthesis and the conditions of plant water stress. After upscaling the dynamics to the daily
level, a model of stochastic soil moisture dynamics will be analyzed to account for the effect of random rainfall variability on the long-term soil water balance and plant water stress. Finally the hydrologic control on carbon and a nitrogen cycles and topics related to sustainable management of soil and water resources will be discusses using the methods previously introduced.
 Al corso saranno riconosciuti 2 CFU

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