UniCa UniCa News Notizie INDOLOGIA, Summer School a Cagliari dall'8 al 13 settembre

INDOLOGIA, Summer School a Cagliari dall'8 al 13 settembre

"TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of COMPOUNDS. Lezioni con Saroja Bhate (India), Maria Piera Candotti (Svizzera) e Tiziana Pontillo (Cagliari)
04 settembre 2014

summer schoolSummer School organizzata dal Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica, con il patrocinio del Dottorato in Lettere indirizzo Studi Indologici e Tibetologici di Torino, da lunedì 8 a sabato 13 settembre 2014 nell’aula 9 (piano terra) di via Is Mirrionis 1 (Facoltà di Studi Umanistici) 


TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of COMPOUNDS (between Grammar and Poetics).

Saroja Bhate, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, Maharashtra, India
Maria Piera Candotti, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Tiziana Pontillo, University of Cagliari, Italy

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare alle lezioni, confermare l’adesione tramite email a pontillo@unica.it).Tra i partecipanti già iscritti risultano 12 Dottori di Ricerca/Ricercatori e Dottorandi provenienti da Amburgo, Chicago, New York, Roma, Tuebingen, Torino, Varsavia; 4 iscritti da Cagliari.
Tiziana Pontillo (pontillo@unica.it) - tel. 070 675.7170 - 335.5606332
Ricercatore confermato di Indologia e Tibetologia
Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Facoltà di Studi Umanistici


September 8th-13th, 2014, Indological Seminar

University of Cagliari - Faculty of Humanities
via Is Mirrionis, 1 - 09123 Cagliari: Ground Floor - Room nº 9

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of COMPOUNDS (between grammar and poetics)

The topic will be investigated in the more general framework of the specificities of Pāṇini linguistic analysis and derivational system. The Seminar is especially meant for PhD’s and Master students interested in acquiring some basic knowledge of this technical tradition and of its wider implications. A basic knowledge of the morphology of the old Indian languages is requested.
Prof. Saroja BHATE (Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune)
Dr. Maria Piera CANDOTTI (University of Lausanne)
Dr. Tiziana PONTILLO (University of Cagliari)


Monday 8th September
- 09.30-11.00 Dr. Tiziana Pontillo: Presentation of programme (Focus on Substitution). The relationship between Grammar and Vedic tradition.
- 11.30-13.00: Prof. Saroja Bhate: Pāṇini’s model of derivation and composition
- 15.30-17.00 Dr. Maria Piera Candotti : Basic units in Pāṇini and their repertoires
- 17.30-18.30 Office Hour

Thursday 9th September
- 09.30-11.00 Prof. Saroja Bhate: Derived units (pada, BHA, aṅga)
- 11.30-13.00 Dr. Maria Piera Candotti: Morpho-syntactic categories: kāraka; upapada; upasarjana
- 15.30-17.00 Dr. Tiziana Pontillo: Functions and limits of grammatical analysis
- 17.30-18.30 Office Hour

Wednesday 10th September
- 09.30-11.00 Dr. Maria Piera Candotti: Deverbal morphology: verbal forms and kṛt derivation
- 11.30-13.00 Prof. Saroja Bhate: Taddhita derivation
- Free afternoon

Tuesday 11th September
- 09.30-11.00 Prof. Saroja Bhate: Introduction to compounds; tatpuruṣa
- 11.30-13.00 Dr. Tiziana Pontillo: Optionality and the role of meaning in Pāṇini’s grammar
- 15.30-17.00 Prof. Saroja Bhate: karmadhāraya, dvigu, āmreḍita and avyayībhāva
- 17.30-18.30 Office Hour

Friday 12th September
- 09.30-11.00 Dr. Tiziana Pontillo: Compounds: bahuvrīhi
- 11.30-13.00 Prof. Saroja Bhate: The language described by Pāṇini: semantics and attention to actual usage
- 15.30-17.00 Dr. Maria Piera Candotti: The so-called comparative compounds.
- 17.30-18.30 Office Hour

Saturday 13th September
- 9.30-11.00 Dr. Tiziana Pontillo: Comparative compounds in alaṃkāra tradition
- 11.30-13.00 Round table on Mahābhāṣya 1.399 ll. 4-11 ad A 2.1.57 vts. 1-2 and 1.433 ll. 25-36 ad A 2.2.29 vt. 15 (we plan to submit our tentative translation to all the participants, in advance)
- Free afternoon


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