UniCa UniCa News Notizie Arjan Hillebrand - VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Arjan Hillebrand - VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Brain imaging: basic and clinical application
24 aprile 2013
Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica, Medicina Clinica e Molecolare
Il Prof. Arjan Hillebrand (VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) terrà il giorno mercoledì 24 aprile 2013 alle ore 10:30 presso l’Aula Congressi dell’Asse E della Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato il seguente seminario:
“Brain imaging: basic and clinical application”
“Measuring brain function using neurophysiological techniques”
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) have the temporal resolution to capture the frequency-dependent interactions between spatially separated brain regions that are thought to underlie cognitive function. In this first presentation I will discuss the basis of these techniques: what is the origin of the MEG/EEG signal and how do we measure it?
This will be followed by an introduction to different approaches that allow us to reconstruct the neural origin of the extracranially recorded signals.


Al seminario oltre al Prof. Arjan Hillebrand interverranno il Prof. Francesco Marrosu, il Prof. Liborio Parrino dell’Università degli Studi di Parma e il Prof. Raffaele Ferri IRCCS di Troina.


Matteo Fraschini
Assistant Professor
DIEE - University of Cagliari
Piazza D’armi - 09123 Cagliari
Office: +39 070 675 4235/5894
Mobile: +39 328 0881466

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