UniCa UniCa News Notizie Luis Fernando Ochoa - University of Manchester, UK

Luis Fernando Ochoa - University of Manchester, UK

Towards Flexible Low-Carbon Electricity Networks
11 luglio 2012
Scuola di dottorato in Ingegneria Industriale
Il Prof. Luis Fernando Ochoa (University of Manchester, UK) terrà il giorno mercoledì 11 luglio 2012 dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 18.00 presso DIEE Pad. A – P.zza d’Armi - Aula Mocci - il seguente seminario:
“Towards Flexible Low-Carbon Electricity Networks”
The transition towards low-carbon societies poses significant challenges to power systems around the world, from bulk generation to low voltage distribution networks. The cost-effective integration of technologies such as renewable distributed generation, electricity storage, electric vehicles, etc., requires distribution network operators to move from semi-passive approaches to one where controllable devices and network participants are actively and optimally managed to ensure the adequate flexible operation of the network. On the other hand, from the bulk generation perspective, generation portfolios have traditionally been designed to provide flexibility in a context where demand has to be met. The integration of variable and uncertain renewable generation sources, such as wind, increases the flexibility needed to maintain the load-generation balance. Consequently, the role of flexibility, has also to be investigated in terms of generation planning and market operation.
This presentation will address the aspects related to the provision of flexibility in both distribution networks and generation portfolios. For the former, the use of AC Optimal Power Flow as a planning and control tool will be introduced. A long-term unit commitment-based planning algorithm to determine the optimal investments in flexible generating units will be presented for the latter.
Dr. Luis Ochoa is a Lecturer in Smart Distribution Networks and part of the Electrical Energy and Power Systems Group in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK, where he has lectured in the undergraduate units "Generation and Transport of Electrical Energy" and "Power Systems: Analysis", as well as postgraduate units "Power System Operation and Economics" and "Smart Grids & Sustainable Electricity Systems". From 2007 to 2010 he was Research Fellow with the Institute for Energy Systems in the School of Engineering at The University of Edinburgh, UK. Dr Ochoa is an IEEE Senior Member since 2012 and currently the Chair of the UK and ROI IEEE Power & Energy Society Chapter. In 2010 he undertook an industrial secondment with the Edinburgh-based company Psymetrix Ltd. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering gained at UNI, Peru, and a Research MSc and a PhD in Electrical Power Engineering, both gained at UNESP Ilha Solteira, Brazil. He has more than 70 research papers in peer-reviewed top ranked journals and top class international conference and is also co-inventor of one patent filed by Psymetrix Ltd.

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