UniCa UniCa News Notizie Alexei A. Gaivoronski - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Alexei A. Gaivoronski - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Stochastic optmization with applications to network planning under uncertainty
17 maggio 2011

Nell'ambito del programma Visiting Professor 2010
finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

Professor Alexei A. Gaivoronski
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

terrà un corso-seminario dal titolo:

Stochastic optmization
with applications to network planning under uncertainty

17, 18, 19 Maggio 2011, ore 16.00 – 19.00

(Aula Q - Padiglione centrale – Facoltà di Ingegneria)

The course describes quantitative methodology for support of optimal planning decisions and risk
management under uncertainty that is centred around stochastic programming.
It consists of three interrelated parts:
- Mathematical models of optimization under uncertainty and their properties
- Numerical algorithms for solving stochastic optimization problems and related software
- Applied stochastic programming problems from finance, telecommunications, water
management and other fields. Particular emphasis is made on the network planning problems
under uncertainty.

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