UniCa UniCa News Notizie Peter Hans Max Ruge - Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany

Peter Hans Max Ruge - Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany

Dinamica dei ponti sottoposti a carichi mobili
11 marzo 2011

Prof. Emeritus Dr.-Ing. Peter Ruge
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Institut Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke
Dresda - Germania

terra' un ciclo di lezioni sulla

"Dinamica dei ponti sottoposti a carichi mobili"

nell'ambito del corso di
"Teoria e Progetto di Ponti" (modulo B)
svolto dai Proff. G.P. Gamberini e G.F. Giaccu.

Le lezioni, che si terranno in lingua inglese, potranno essere utilmente
frequentate anche da altri studenti della laurea magistrale in Ingegneria.

Calendario delle lezioni:

venerdi' 11 marzo 2011 ore 11:00-13:00 aula L Facoltà di Ingegneria

venerdi' 24 marzo 2011 ore 11:00-13:00 aula L Facoltà di Ingegneria


Si allega il programma delle lezioni

Lecture at UNICA in March 2011
Dynamics of Bridges with moving loads
The dynamics of bridges with moving forces can be treated semi-analytically by means
of a series expansion in the space domain. This classical solution identifies a critical
velocity v = 2`f1 for which the bridge will become unstable. ` is the span of the bridge
and f1 its lowest eigenfrequency.
With an increasing relation mmoving��load=mbridge the mass-inertia effects of the moving
mass turn out to be important. Because the mass is running along a line which is
vibrating, too, this problem belongs to relativ dynamics and additional acceleration
parts appear, including a Coriolis one.
The equations of motion will be established and solved numerically for a moving mass
directly coupled with the bridge and coupled by means of a viscoelastic interface.
For a sequence of mass-points with distance ` running along the bridge the problem
is characterized by a time-period T = `=v and thus Floquet’s theorem can be used to
study the stability of the system.
Especially for railway-bridges the accelerations acting onto the passengers and acting
onto the railway, either a slab track or ballasted track, are important and have to be
The scheme which is used by German Rail for evaluating the accelerations will be
shown and compared with numerical results.
Some additional harmonic excitations onto the bridge will be mentioned like from unround
car-wheels and from non-perfect rail-surfaces.
It becomes clear, that the inertia effects of the moving mass have to be included in the
Several results from corresponding research activities have been published; sometimes
with adding a whole car with its boogies and body, taken as a rigid one.

Peter Ruge
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
TU Dresda, Structural Dynamics
Visiting Professor at UNICA


Il Programma Visiting Professor 2010 è finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

Antonio Cazzani

Professore associato di Scienza delle costruzioni
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Facoltà di Architettura
2, via Marengo
09123 Cagliari (CA)

tel: 070-6755420
fax: 070-6755418
e-mail: antonio.cazzani@unica.it

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