UniCa UniCa News Notizie Alexander B. Movchan - University of Liverpool

Alexander B. Movchan - University of Liverpool

SEMINARI: "Shear Polarisation of Elastic Waves by a Structured Interface" - “Waves and Damage in Structured Solids with Multi-Scale Resonators”
16 settembre 2010

Il Prof. Alexander B. Movchan
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Sciences - University of Liverpool

terra' i seguenti seminari:
Giovedi 16 Settembre 2010 ore 17.00
Aula I, padiglione aule - Facolta' di Ingegneria
"Shear Polarisation of Elastic Waves by a Structured Interface"
Mercoledi 22 Settembre 2010
"Waves and Damage in Structured Solids with Multi- Scale Resonators"


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