UniCa UniCa News Notizie Calipho: the wet and dry side of the nextprot project

Calipho: the wet and dry side of the nextprot project

Polaris, due seminari organizzati dal Gruppo di Informatica molecolare del CRS4
28 maggio 2010

28 maggio 2010, ore 10:30
Auditorium (Edificio 2) del
Parco scientifico e tecnologico Polaris
Pula, Località Piscinamanna

(IC) -
Il Gruppo di informatica molecolare del CRS4 organizza due seminari per illustrare il primo e più completo database di proteine umane, derivante dall’analisi di oltre 20 mila geni. Il database è stato creato dal gruppo interdisciplinare Calipho (Computational Analysis and Laboratory Investigation of Proteins of Human Origin), costituito dall’Universià di Ginevra e dall’Istituto svizzero di bioinformatica. I seminari si terranno in lingua inglese.
Amos Bairoch (Università di Ginevra e Swiss Institute of
Bioinformatics) e Lydie Lane (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)

Per ulteriori informazioni:
Molecular informatics Group (migweb.crs4.it)
Patricia Rodriguez-Tome (prtome@crs4.it)



CALIPHO, the dry side: neXtProt, a new human-centric protein knowledge resource.
Prof. Amos Bairoch (University of Geneva and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
In September 2008, the *UniProt/Swiss-Prot *group achieved a major milestone: the first complete manual annotation of what is believed to be the full set of human proteins (derived from about 20.300 genes). This corpus of data is already quite rich in information pertinent to modern biomolecular medical research, but made us realize how large is the gap in our knowledge of human proteins in terms of functional information as well as protein characterization (PTMs, protein/protein interactions, subcellular locations, etc).

CALIPHO: the wet story, the long and arduous quest for protein functionalisation.
Dr. Lydie Lane (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
The recent completion of the annotation of the human proteome by the UniProt/Swiss-Prot group demonstrated that about 4.000 human proteins are still lacking experimental annotations. Among them, many are expected to play important roles in biological processes, and some will have therapeutic potential.


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