UniCa UniCa News Notizie Alexei A. Gaivoronski - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Alexei A. Gaivoronski - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Modeling of competition and collaboration in service provision: developing and solving bilevel equilibrium models
09 marzo 2010

Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche


Il Professor Alexei A. Gaivoronski, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, svolgerà il seguente seminario:


“Modeling of competition and collaboration in service provision: developing and solving bilevel equilibrium models”



Il seminario si terrà martedì 9 marzo, dalle 11 alle 13 aula F, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Palazzo delle Scienze, via Ospedale 72 Cagliari.


In this talk we describe how to model the relationships of competition and collaboration between a number of industrial actors which are engaged in provision of a service to the population of consumers. We assume that provision of service require a certain amount of infrastructure. Some of the actors are in possession of such infrastructure and utilize it to provide a service to consumers. Other actors do not possess infrastructure and in order to provide a service they have to lease this infrastructure from the actors of the first type. The whole situation is complicated by the uncertainty about consumers demand.

A number of questions arise in this respect, for instance: what is the optimal price that infrastructure owners should charge for its utilization? How much infrastructure agents should lease? What are the prices that agents should charge to consumers? How the market will evolve when more and more service providers enter the market?

We answer these questions by developing and solving bilevel equilibrium models. The lower level of such model involves finding the Nash equilibrium in prices to consumers and leasing capacities, while the upper level requires solving the optimization problem with respect to leasing prices. Such models represent a serious challenge to the modern optimization software and we have had to develop a special optimization techniques for its solution based on stochastic gradient methods.

We present an example of large scale numerical experiment with example taken from telecommunications industry.


Professor Alexei A. Gaivoronski

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management

 Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Getz veg 3



7491 Trondheim



per informazioni:

Massimo Di Francesco, mdifrance@unica.it

Michela Lai. mlai@unica.it

Paola Zuddas, zuddas@unica.it

Prof. Paola Zuddas

Department of Land Engineering

University of Cagliari

09123 Piazza d’Armi

Cagliari, Italy

tel. +390706755320

e-mail. zuddas@unica.it




























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