UniCa UniCa News Notizie Richard B. Wanty - United States Geological Survey and Colorado School of Mines (USA)

Richard B. Wanty - United States Geological Survey and Colorado School of Mines (USA)

Overview of uranium geochemistry with some examples from the USA
02 dicembre 2009
Facoltà di Scienze
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Dr. Richard B. Wanty (USGS) terrà i seguenti seminari:
Giovedì 15 Ottobre 2009 ore 15.30
Aula Magna Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra via Trentino 51, Cagliari
"Overview of uranium geochemistry  with some examples from the USA"
Giovedì 5 Novembre 2009 ore 15.30
Aula Magna Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra via Trentino 51, Cagliari
 "Overview of  the uses of non-traditional stable isotopes in geochemistry"
Mercoledì 11 Novembre 2009 ore 15.30
Aula Magna Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra via Trentino 51, Cagliari
"Geochemical and biological effects of mining at regional and local scales"

 Mercoledì 2 Dicembre 2009 ore 15.30
Aula Magna Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra via Trentino 51, Cagliari
"Spatial scales of geochemical processes from grains of sand to basins"

Dr. Richard B. Wanty is a research chemist at the United States Geological Survey and a Research Professor of Chemistry and Geochemistry at the Colorado School of Mines (USA).  Dr. Wanty’s research combines elements of landscape geochemistry with examination of natural geochemical, geologic, and hydrologic processes that are active at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Dr. Wanty has been among the leaders in the recent development of isotopic methods for copper, iron, and zinc, and has also been a leader in developing the concept of geoenvironmental modeling.
Per informazioni:
Rosa Cidu
Professor in Geochemistry
University of Cagliari
Department of Earth Sciences
via Trentino 51
09127 Cagliari, Italy
fax +39 070 282236
tel +39 070 6757724
email cidur@unica.it


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