UniCa UniCa News Notizie Roberto Muffoletto- Educational Technology al Dep. of Curriculum and Instruction della Appalachian University (Boone, North Carolina)

Roberto Muffoletto- Educational Technology al Dep. of Curriculum and Instruction della Appalachian University (Boone, North Carolina)

workshop: A Conversation on the Changing Nature of Teaching and Learning
10 dicembre 2010
Venerdì 10 dicembre, alle ore 18, in aula 6, Il prof. Roberto Muffoletto, visiting professor presso l’Università di Cagliari, conduce un workshop dal titolo:

A Conversation on the Changing Nature of Teaching and Learning

Il prof. Muffoletto è professore associato di Educational Technology al Dep. of Curriculum and Instruction della Appalachian University (Boone, North Carolina), dov’è Presidente del corso di laurea in New Media an...d Global Education.

Alla conversazione parteciperanno i proff. Marco Giunti e Elisabetta Gola.

L’abstract dell’intervento è il seguente:
The emergence of digital networked environments, collaborative working and learning tools, and more powerful digital devices has challenged education to reflect upon its practices and expectations. Add to this mix a paradigmatic shift in learning theories from neo-behaviorism to social construction, learning environments over instructional, and you have the framework for designing learning interactive global learning communities.

The conversation will address and identify issues related to the possibilities and potential for learning communities in higher education as a result of the digital network and emerging devices.


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