UniCa UniCa News Notizie The 3rd Solent International Laryngeal CO2 Laser Course

The 3rd Solent International Laryngeal CO2 Laser Course

Corso teorico e pratico di chirurgia laser dall’11 al 13 marzo nel Queen Alexandra Hospital di Portsmouth (UK)
11 marzo 2010
The 3rd Solent International Laryngeal CO2 Laser Course
11th-13th March 2010
Queen Alexandra Hospital - Portsmouth, UK
(unicaweb) - Il corso internazionale teorico/pratico, organizzato dal professore cagliaritano Roberto Puxeddu nel Queen Alexandra Hospital di Portsmouth (Gran Bretagna), verte sui miglioramenti della tecnologia laser e il suo utilizzo nella chirurgia del cancro laringeo. Grazie alle lezioni di esperti qualificati - che illustreranno i principi di base, le indicazioni teoriche e le pratiche di tecnica chirurgica - l’obiettivo è di offrire ai partecipanti l’acquisizione delle abilità necessarie per l’uso corretto del CO2 laser nel trattamento di neoplasma laringeo. L’accesso è limitato a soli 15 partecipanti, che saranno impegnati in full immersion dal pomeriggio di giovedì 11 a sabato 13 marzo 2010.
Di seguito sono riportate le schede preparate dal prof. Puxeddu sul programma dettagliato del corso e le sue finalità.

The 3rd Solent International Laryngeal CO2 Laser Course
11th-13th March 2010
Queen Alexandra Hospital - Portsmouth, UK
Thursday 11th March - hours 12.30–18.00*
12.30-13.00 Registration & Course introduction at Educational Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital
13.00-13.30 Physics and general application of the Carbon Dioxide Laser (Holubinka/Abercrombie)
13.30-13.50 Theatre set-up and safety rules (Pratt)
13.50-14.10 Surgical anatomy and physiology of the larynx (Dennis)
14.10-14.30 Coffee break and interaction with the faculty
14.30-14.50 Anaesthetics in laryngeal and laser surgery (Elliott)
14.50-16.20 Imaging of the larynx (Tilley)
16.20-16.40 Diagnostic and intraoperative work-up (Davis)
16.40-17.00 Laser assisted Phonosurgery (Caldera)
17.00-17.20 Treatment of laryngeal papillomatosis and paediatric diseases (Madden)
17.20-18.00 Video session and Discussion**
Friday 12th March – hours 09.10-18.00
09.10-09.40 Endoscopic treatment of precancer and early glottic cancer (Puxeddu)
09.40-10.00 Impact of the status of margins of resection on disease free survival and preservation of the larynx in glottic cancer treated with CO2 Laser (Ansarin)
10.00-10.20 Coffee Break
10.20-11.10 Magistral Lecture: Recurrent Laryngeal cancer: a comprehensive overview (Nicolai)
11.10-11.40 Vocal fold medialisation techniques and role of Narrow Band Imaging in laryngeal pathology (Piazza/Puxeddu)
11.40-12.00 Endoscopic treatment of supraglottic cancer (Peretti/Puxeddu)
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.30-18.00 Live surgery
20.00 COURSE DINNER-Loch Fyne Oyster Bar, Gunwharf Quays
Saturday 13th March  – hours 09.30 – 17.00*
09.30-10.00 Endoscopic treatment of adult subglottic stenosis (Patel)
10.00-10.20 Neck dissection in Supraglottic cancer endoscopically treated (Barbaccia)
10.20-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-13.00 Practical course - supervised practise of endoscopic laser techniques on animal larynx
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-17.00 Practical course - supervised practise of endoscopic laser techniques on animal larynx
Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust, UK: ENT Dept: Mr. Roberto Puxeddu, Mr. Saliya Caldera, Ms. Anne Davis, Mr. Gerri Madden, Mr Marcel Geyer, Mr. Neil Tan, Ms. Barbara Pittore,
Theatres Dept: Mrs. Rosemary Pratt, Mr. Keith Malcolm
Dept of Anaesthesia: Dr. Sean Elliot, Dr. Sean Kerr, Dr. Matthew Turner
Medical Physics Dept: Mr. Mike Holubinka and Ms. Catrin Abercrombie
Radiology Dept: Dr. Elizabeth Tilley Salisbury Hospitals Foundation Trust, UK:
ENT Dept: Mr. Simon Dennis
Southampton Univ. Hospitals NHS Trust, UK:
ENT Dept: Mr. Nimesh Patel The Medway Hospital Trust, Gillingham, UK:
ENT Dept: Mr. Carmelo Barbaccia
ENT Department, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy: Prof. Piero Nicolai,  Dr. Giorgio Peretti, Dr. Cesare Piazza Istituto Europeo Oncologico, Milano, Italy:
ENT Dept: Dr. Mossen Ansarin

Constant progress in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser technology has resulted in general optimization of laser beam parameters, such as power, exposure time (milliseconds), emission modality (superpulse and ultrapulse) and the use of micro-manipulators with a focused microspot diameter of less than 300 microns. This in turn has led to reduced thermal damage of tissue and allowed safe application of lasers in laryngeal cancer surgery and phonosurgery, an area where traditionally ‘cold steel’ instruments have been used.
The 3d International Solent Laryngeal Laser Course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for the correct use of the CO2 laser in the treatment of laryngeal neoplasm’s.
The course will include lessons by renowned experts who will illustrate the basic principles, indications and different surgical techniques. The number of participants has been limited to 15 ENT consultants and specialists in training (ST) to enable small tuition ratios. Full immersion training sessions will be held from Thursday afternoon to Saturday, with theoretical and practical demonstration of basic and advanced CO2 laser and reconstructive laryngeal surgical techniques.
The new technique of Narrow Band Imaging will be described and its utility in helping to diagnose lesions of the larynx will be discussed. The live surgery will be completed by interactive discussion of the cases and by theoretical teaching of basics in lasers, safety and anaesthetics, surgical anatomy, physiology, radiology, surgery and histopathology.
Hands on sessions with the latest Carbon Dioxide lasers on animal cadavers and mannequins with vocal cord inserts will improve your ability to perform basic and advanced tumour resections.


Roberto Puxeddu
Professore Associato di Otorinolaringoiatria dell’Università di Cagliari

Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist
Head and Neck Surgeon Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Head and Neck Surgery Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth
telephone: 0044239228-6704 / secretary: 0044239228-6377 / mobile: 07914052918

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