Employment Status

Every year, Almalaurea carries out a national survey on Graduates’ Employment status.
All graduates are surveyed one year after graduation, while Postgraduate and Five-Year Degree Programmes get a second survey three and five years later. The outcome is a broad snapshot of graduates' entry into the labour market, the characteristics of their jobs, including job titles and salary, and in-employment usage of the skills acquired at university. Stats from the survey questionnaire and Graduates Profile survey, as well as administrative data from the universities, are pooled together to ensure the survey provides the richest set of information available.

Below are the Almalaurea Summary sheets for the Degree Programme, which summarize the most representative aspects of the survey with graphs and tables. The first part of the document, entitled "Satisfaction with the Degree Programme completed", is based on the Graduates' Profile survey (see dedicated page). The second part is based on the Employment status survey.
By clicking on the "find out more" link located next to the survey header, the complete and detailed statistical reference data can be consulted.

Sintesi indagine sui laureati (a cura del Corso di Studio)

A partire dal 2013 il CLM ha avviato una specifica indagine periodica a campione presso i propri laureati del triennio 2010-2012 per evidenziare le criticità incontrate in itinere e in uscita, attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario con l’utilizzo della piattaforma google drive.

Tale indagine è stata ripetuta nel corso del 2016 (anche attraverso il conferimento di incarichi ad hoc a tutor formati che hanno collaborato con coordinatore e CAV) ed estesa ai laureati fino alla sessione estiva dell’A.A. 2015-16; e di nuovo nel 2018, estesa ai laureati fino alla sessione invernale dell’A.A. 2016-2017. Di seguito è possibile consultare i risultati delle indagini.

Questionnaire and social

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