UniCa UniCa News Avvisi Seminario dal titolo "Access to health and social services (what do we mean by access and how do we define it and what are the policy implications)? "

Seminario dal titolo "Access to health and social services (what do we mean by access and how do we define it and what are the policy implications)? "

Autore dell'avviso: Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali

07 marzo 2023
16 Marzo 2023 h. 13:00 - 14.00 - Sala Riunioni SPOL - Seminario dal titolo "Access to health and social services (what do we mean by access and how do we define it and what are the policy implications)? "


Giovedì, 16 Marzo 2023 il prof.  Runar VILHJALMSSON, Professore di Sociologia presso University of Iceland e Guest Professor presso Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Sciences

terrà un seminario dal titolo "Access to health and social services (what do we mean by access and how do we define it and what are the policy implications)? ".

h. 13:00 - 14:00 Sala Riunioni SPOL (piano 1)

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