UniCa UniCa News Avvisi Seminario - A quasi-geostrophic coupled ocean atmosphere model

Seminario - A quasi-geostrophic coupled ocean atmosphere model

Autore dell'avviso: Dipartimento di Matematica e informatica

29 novembre 2024
Tobias Kuna, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila - Aula II, ore 15:30, Palazzo delle Scienze


Seminario - A quasi-geostrophic coupled ocean atmosphere model

Tobias Kuna, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila - Aula II, ore 15:30, Palazzo delle Scienze


To understand low frequency variability on annual and decadal scale, models with incorporate ocean atmosphere coupling and thermodynamical effects are essential. We study well-posedness of a system of PDEs describing the atmosphere by two quasi-geostrophic layers coupled  to one further quasi-geostrophic deep ocean layer. Furthermore, there are two equations describing the development of the atmosphere and ocean temperature. More specifically, we consider the model which Vannitsem et al. in [1] used, which is based on previous models by Charney and Strauss ’80, Reinhold and Pierrehumbert ’82; Pierini ’11. These models have been studied intensively numerically, but here consider them analytically. We will describe the first step in this direction: existence of weak and strong solutions, weak-uniqueness, existence and finite-dimensionality of the global attractor, determining modes. An interesting asymmetry in the unknowns with respect to regularity, dimension of attractor and determining modes emerges.


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