UniCa UniCa News Avvisi Seminari del Prof. Franco Delogu - Lawrence Technological University, Michigan, USA

Seminari del Prof. Franco Delogu - Lawrence Technological University, Michigan, USA

Autore dell'avviso: Dipartimento di Pedagogia, psicologia, filosofia

20 giugno 2022
Programma "Visiting Professor/Scientist 2019"


Nell'ambito del programma Visiting Professor/Scientist 2019, finanziato dalla LR 7/2007 della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, il Prof. Franco Delogu /Lawrence Technological University, Michigan, USA) terrà due seminari presso il Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia. I seminari sono aperti a tutti gli studenti, dottorandi, specializzandi e ricercatori interessati.


Il 20 giugno 2022 alle ore 10:00 in aula Motzo si terrà il seminario “Training in Immersive Virtual Reality: Cognitive Implications and Future Perspectives”.

Il 22 giugno 2022 alle ore 10:00 in aula 15 si terrà il seminario “Serious games and fast decision making: the case of Sardinian Morra”.


Prof. Franco Delogu is Associate Professor in Psychology with the Lawrence Technological University in Michigan, USA and Director of the Psychology Program. 

Prof. Delogu has a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and extensive international experience in teaching and research in areas of Cognitive Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience. He has been involved in research activity at the University of Rome, Italy, at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Tokyo, Japan, and at the University of Utrecht, in the Netherlands. His main interest is in multisensory integration in perception and working memory. He is also interested in music processing and its interactions with action planning and with other domains of cognition, like language.

Prof. Delogu’s work also focuses on Education, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Specifically, he uses and promotes course-based research experience as a tool for excellence in STEM for students of all backgrounds. In this framework, he currently directs the HHMI-sponsored initiative Inclusive Excellence https://www.inclusivity-cre.org/.


Prof. Rachele Fanari (PhD)

Associate Professor in Developmental and Educational Psychology

Faculty of Humanities, University of Cagliari 

Via Is Mirrionis 1
Tel.: +39 0706757504
Email: rfanari@unica.it

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