UniCa UniCa News Avvisi Free Online Translation Course: Opportunity for students at Università degli Studi di Cagliari - University of Essex

Free Online Translation Course: Opportunity for students at Università degli Studi di Cagliari - University of Essex

Autore dell'avviso: Olga Denti

29 giugno 2022
Free Online Translation Course: Opportunity for students at Università degli Studi di Cagliari http://link.essex.ac.uk/c/7/eyJhaSI6OTkzMjcyNzUsImUiOiJmb2RkZUB1bmljYS5pdCIsInJpIjoiY29udGFjdC1iNjc3YWFkYzZhYTZlYjExODEzNjAwNTA1NjM0MmQ4Ni0yODU2ZjE1Y2FlMjg0NDNlYTUyNDMwOTM3YmY3M2VmMSIsInJxIjoicDEtYjIyMTc5LTVmNmZjZWUxNmYxZTRjNGM4OWEwNzQwMGE0NGRmZTk0IiwicGgiOm51bGwsIm0iOmZhbHNlLCJ1aSI6IjAiLCJ1biI6IiIsInUiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5lc3NleC5hYy51ay9ldmVudHMvMjAyMi8wNi8yOS90cmFuc2xhdGlvbi1pbnRlcnByZXRpbmctYW5kLXN1YnRpdGxpbmc_X2NsZGVlPTZXdEcwckM2cmV0YlRzcEJKaDhDZnNnZTc4ZWRYQ3BGRkhfQ2E1Z3FMbVpqVFVsSnBfTUM2T0FzZU50d1J4UzImcmVjaXBpZW50aWQ9Y29udGFjdC1iNjc3YWFkYzZhYTZlYjExODEzNjAwNTA1NjM0MmQ4Ni0yODU2ZjE1Y2FlMjg0NDNlYTUyNDMwOTM3YmY3M2VmMSZlc2lkPTQ5MzgyYThkLTQ0ZjItZWMxMS1iYjNjLTAwMjI0ODQyODYyOCJ9/5DoVHtVHC885mgkwP_mY4w


This is a three-day course titled Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling
and will run Wednesday 29 June until Friday 1 July. The course is designed
to give current undergraduate students a taste of studying a range of
subjects at a postgraduate level, including audiovisual translation and
subtitling, principles and technologies of translation as well as grammar
and pragmatics for translation. As well as providing students with an
introduction to the study of translation, interpreting and subtitling at a
postgraduate level, the course aims to introduce students to current
important topics in these research areas.
These sessions are completely free to join and students who register will
receive a link which will enable them to join the sessions which will be
delivered online by Zoom.
Course: Wednesday 29 June –  Friday 1 July 2022 at 11am-2pm BST
register click here[1]



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