UniCa UniCa News Avvisi 3rd year Ling/Com - lessons - Christmas holidays and January/February 2024 lessons

3rd year Ling/Com - lessons - Christmas holidays and January/February 2024 lessons

Autore dell'avviso: John Liberato Di Girolamo

29 novembre 2023
Here is information about 3rd year Ling/Com - lessons - Christmas holidays and January/February 2024 lessons


Dear Students,

your course with me will continue until Wednesday 20th December. 2023.

We will start lesson again on Wednesday 10th January 2024. Lessons will continue in January and February 2024 once a week on Wednesdays in LAB A.

These lessons will include moodle practice for the pre-exam which will be on Monday February 26th 2024 as previously published. 

The lists for students who have attended lessons sufficiently will be published in the week before 26th February..

The second term will begin in early March and will continue with a full timetable. 

Hope all this is clear!



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