UniCa UniCa News Avvisi EIT Food Global Food Venture Programme 2021

EIT Food Global Food Venture Programme 2021

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

04 maggio 2021
Iscrizione alla 4a edizione dell'EIT Food Global Food Venture Programme 2021, rivolto a Dottorandi a livello europeo, altamente propensi all’innovazione e all’imprenditorialità e desiderosi di trasformare le proprie idee di ricerca, nell’ambito dell’agrifood system, in opportunità di business scalabili sul mercato. La finalità è il miglioramento di competenze e capacità imprenditoriali e lo sviluppo di proposte di valore innovative, in grado di rispondere alle esigenze specifiche del sistema agroalimentare futuro. In allegato flyer e timeline.


Dear Doctoral Students,

only a few days left for highly innovative PhD students from across Europe to seize the opportunity to turn their research ideas into market value. All you need to do is apply to Global Food Venture Programme of EIT Food. EIT Food is a European innovation initiative with a mission to educate the new generation of entrepreneurs and innovators to transform the agrifood system into a more sustainable and healthier path. The programme will help you upscale your skills & competences in the area entrepreneurship and business creation and develop viable business propositions in the agrifood space! 



      -    Bespoke training curriculum in business creation & entrepreneurship
      -    Bootcamps in key innovation ecosystems
      -    Business coaching meetings
      -    Mobility grants for individuals
      -    Innovation prizes
      -    Access to EIT Food partner network
      -    Online educational resources

GFVP Stage I - Idea Development

GFVP Stage II - Business Incubation

Apply: https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/global-food-venture-programme

Feel free to forward this information to your peers! Find out more on Global Food Venture Programme 2021.  For any further information, do not hesitate to contact dimaki@zv.tum.de (Chryssa Dimaki, Activity Lead)

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