UniCa UniCa News Notizie J.P. Eggers–STERN School of Business, New York University

J.P. Eggers–STERN School of Business, New York University

Market Relatedness, Technological Relatedness and the Dynamics of Organizational Growth; Managing innovation activities: challenges for research
29 maggio 2017

Il Prof. J.P. Eggers (STERN School of Business, New York University -http://www.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/bio/jp-eggers) terrà due seminari:

1) Lunedì 29 maggio (ore 14.00) dal titolo: “Market Relatedness, Technological Relatedness and the Dynamics of Organizational Growth”.  Il seminario si terrà presso l’Aula Magna, Viale Fra Ignazio -Istituto Baffi.
2) Martedì 30 maggio (ore 11.00) dal titolo: “Managing innovation activities: challenges for research”. Il seminario si terrà presso i locali di Via Ospedale 121.
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