UniCa UniCa News Notizie Enrique A.Miranda Castellano - Università Autonoma di Barcellona, Spagna

Enrique A.Miranda Castellano - Università Autonoma di Barcellona, Spagna

Conduction, degradation and breakdown of thin oxide layers for nano and microelectronic applications
05 dicembre 2016



Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica
A partire dal 5 dicembre 2016, Il Prof. Enrique A. Miranda Castellano
dell’Università Autonoma di Barcellona, terrà il corso dal titolo:
“Conduction, degradation and breakdown of thin oxide layers for nano and microelectronic applications”
La durata del corso sarà di 10 ore articolate in 4 giorni e si terrà in lingua inglese. E’ previsto un credito formativo a seguito del superamento del test finale.
Le lezioni saranno articolate come segue:
05/12/2016:  Lecture 1
Conventional electron transport mechanisms in thin oxides: Schottky, Poole-Frenkel, Direct and Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, Ohmic, Space Charge Limited, Trap-assisted conduction.
06/12/2016: Lecture 2
Oxide degradation (charge trapping, Stress Induced Leakage Current, NBTI) and breakdown. Fundamentals of oxide reliability analysis (Time-to-breakdown, Poisson and Weibull distributions). Post-breakdown conduction mechanisms (VRH, Coulomb blockade, Non-linear resistance networks, Quantum point contact, etc.)
07/12/2016: Lecture 3
Localization of failure events in capacitors and transistors (AFM, SEM, EBIC, IR, SCM, electrical methods). Analysis of multiple failure events using spatial statistics. Introduction to the Spatstat package for the R language.
12/12/2016: Lecture 4
Reversible dielectric breakdown: resistive switching effect. Memristors and memristive systems. Filamentary and hysteretic conduction models. Simulation of memristors in SPICE.
Enrique Miranda is Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He has a PhD in Electronics Engineering from the UAB (1999) and a PhD in Physics from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (2001). Dr. Miranda received numerous scholarships and awards including: INTERCAMPUS (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain), MUTIS (UAB), RAMON y CAJAL (UAB), German Exchange Academic Agency (Technical University Hamburg-Harburg), Italian government (Universita degli Studi di Padova), MATSUMAE (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), TAN CHIN TUAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), WALTON award from Science Foundation Ireland (Tyndall National Institute), Distinguished Visitor Award from Royal Academy of Engineering (University College London), Slovak Academy of Sciences, CÉSAR MILSTEIN (CNEA, Argentina). Dr. Miranda serves as member of the Distinguished Lecturer program of the Electron Devices Society (EDS-IEEE) since 2001 and as Editorial Advisor of the journal Microelectronics Reliability since 2003. He forms or has formed part of INFOS, IRPS, ESREF, MIEL, E-MRS, ESSDERC, and IPFA Technical or Steering Committees. Dr. Miranda was visiting scientist at the Universita di Napoli, Indian Institute of Technology, CNEA-Argentina (supported by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics), Innovation for High Performance Microelectronics (IHP-Germany), Universita di Modena, Soochow University-China, UCL (supported by The Leverhulme Trust, UK), etc. He has authored and co-authored around 200 peer-review journal papers and conference proceedings most of them devoted to the electron transport problem in thin dielectric films: tunneling, degradation, post-breakdown conduction, resistive switching and memristors.
Per ulteriori informazioni contattare la dott.ssa Giovanna Mura: gmura@diee.unica.it

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