UniCa UniCa News Notizie Kevin Keasey - Leeds University Business School

Kevin Keasey - Leeds University Business School

“Paying too Much for Growth: An Explanation of the Asset Growth Anomaly” (with L. Peng, C. Cai and Q. Zhang) - “Are Market-Based Rankings of Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions Useful for Regulators?”
27 maggio 2015


Dipartimento di scienze economiche e aziendali
Nell’ambito del programma Visiting Professor finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna il
Prof. Kevin Keasey, Leeds University Business School
nell’aula magna della ex Facoltà di Economia, Viale Sant’Ignazio 74, terrà i seguenti seminari
Mercoledì 27 Maggio 2015 – h. 11:30

“Paying too Much for Growth: An Explanation of the Asset Growth Anomaly” (with L. Peng, C. Cai and Q. Zhang)

Giovedì 4 Giugno 2015 – h. 11:30

“Are Market-Based Rankings of Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions Useful for Regulators?” (with C. Cai, F. Vallascas and Q. Zhang)

Prof. Keasey è Chair in Accounting & Finance, Head of Accounting & Finance, e Director of the Institute of Banking and Investment (IBI).


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