UniCa UniCa News Notizie Marco A. Ciufolini - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Marco A. Ciufolini - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Chemistry and Medicine: Inseparable Partners
08 marzo 2012


Il Professor Marco A. Ciufolini (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada), a partire dal giorno giovedì 8 Marzo 2012, terrà un ciclo di seminari su:
Chemistry and Medicine: Inseparable Partners
secondo il seguente calendario:
Giovedì 8 Marzo ore 16 Aula 2 (Palazzo delle Scienze)
A. A pyridone-forming reaction: camptothecin and the development of Karenithecin
Significance of topoisomerase I and camptothecin (CPT) in oncology
Problems associated with medicinal chemistry studies on CPT
Development of a pyridine-forming reaction and total synthesis of CPT
Highly lipophilic CPT analogs: Karenithecin
Martedì 13 Marzo ore 16 Aula 2 (Palazzo delle Scienze)
B. Liposomal drug formulations: taxanes, streptonigrinoids, siRNA.
Significance of tubulin and taxanes in oncology
Significance of siRNA in contemporary biomedicine
Problems associated with the delivery of highly water-insoluble drugs
Challenges inherent to the delivery of siRNA
Novel lipids enabling the liposomal formulation & delivery of the above
Venerdì 16 Marzo ore 16 Aula 2 (Palazzo delle Scienze)
C. New pyridine chemistry: thiopeptides and the development of Masitinib
The antibiotics crisis
Emerging interest in thiopeptide antibiotics
Current hypotheses regarding thiopeptide structure-activity relationship
Methodology for the synthesis of thiopeptides
Current research in the thiopeptide area
Biochemical significance of protein phosphokinases
From antibiotics to kinase inhibitors: the development of Masitinib
Martedì 20 Marzo ore 16 Aula 2 (Palazzo delle Scienze)
D. Oxidative amidation of phenols: FR901483 and Tetrodotoxin
Significance of immunosuppressant in modern medicine
Oxidative amidation of phenols and the synthesis of FR901483
Modulating Na+ ion channel function: challenges and opportunities
Efforts toward tetrodotoxin and congeners
Per informazioni: toccog@unica.it
La partecipazione ai seminari darà diritto ad 1 CFU.
Per informazioni:
Dr Graziella Tocco, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Cagliari
Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences Unit of Drug Sciences via Ospedale 72
09124 Cagliari (ITALY)
tel. +390706758551/8711
Fax +390706758553

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