UniCa UniCa News Notizie Enrique Vivoni - Arizona State University

Enrique Vivoni - Arizona State University

Feasibility of high-resolution distributed hydrologic modeling using high performance computing
14 luglio 2011

Nell'ambito del programma di internazionalizzazione del nostro Ateneo

il prof. Enrique Vivoni

Arizona State University

Visiting Professor presso l'Università degli Studi di Cagliari

terrà il seminario:

Feasibility of high-resolution distributed hydrologic modeling using high performance computing

Giovedì 14 Luglio ore 9.00 - Aula A della Sezione d'Idraulica della Facoltà d'Ingegneria


A primary obstacle towards advances in large-scale watershed simulations has been the limited
computational capacity available to most hydrologic models. In this study, we present the developments
in the parallelization of a fully-distributed hydrologic model based on a triangular irregular network (TIN).
We describe the model implementation using parallel computing and its application to operational
watersheds in Oklahoma. Our approach utilizes domain decomposition based on sub-basin partitioning
of the watershed using a stream reach graph. Individual sub-basins also share subsurface hydrologic
fluxes across adjacent boundaries. We conduct experiments for a range of basin sizes and partitioning
methods to analyze the impact of TIN resolution and number of processors on model performance.
We also discuss the opportunities afforded by parallel processing for hydrologic simulations that preserve landscape properties at high-resolution.


cordiali saluti
Roberto Deidda

Il Programma Visiting Professor 2010 è finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

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