UniCa UniCa News Notizie Francesco Luigi Gervasio - Spanish National Cancer Research Center, Madrid

Francesco Luigi Gervasio - Spanish National Cancer Research Center, Madrid

Combining Free Energy Methods and Experiments to Study Large-Scale Protein Dynamics
16 settembre 2010




Giovedì 16 Settembre ore 15.00, Aula A presso il Dipartimento di Fisica - Cittadella Universitaria Monserrato



il Prof. Francesco Luigi Gervasio, head of Computational Biophysics, Spanish National Cancer Research Center, Madrid, Spain (flgervasio@cnio.es), terrà un seminario dal titolo:





"Combining Free Energy Methods and Experiments to Study Large-Scale Protein Dynamics"







Protein plasticity represents both a challenge and an opportunity for computational biophysics. Exploring the conformational space of protein with sufficient detail is computationally very demanding and often beyond the reach even for state-of-the-art atomistic molecular simulations techniques. If it were possible, however, it could open the avenue to the design of more selective drug candidates. Here we show how methods developed to accelerate rare events can be used in combination with experiments to study large-scale conformational transitions and ligand binding.

Using GPU machines, new sampling methods [1],  and NMR experiments, we determined the importance of a single amino-acid in ruling the dynamic equilibrium between active and inactive states of the oncogenic c-Src protein. A similar approach, mainly based on Metadynamics [2] was used to study the mode of inhibition of a COX-2 selective drug [3] and the very complex mode of action of an allosteric inhibitor of a receptor tyrosine kinase.

1. D. Branduardi, F. L. Gervasio and M. Parrinello. Rare events in molecular systems: From A to B in Free Energy Space J. Chem. Phys., 2007,126, 054103,  



2. A. Laio and F. L. Gervasio* Metadynamics: a method to simulate rare events and reconstruct the free energy in biophysics, chemistry and material science Rep. Prog. Phys. , 2008, 71, 126601 (22p).

3. V. Limongelli, F.L. Gervasio et al. Proc. National Acad. Sci. USA, 2010,  107, 5411–5416.









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