UniCa UniCa News Notizie Vittorio Pelligra ai venerdì dell’Economia

Vittorio Pelligra ai venerdì dell’Economia

Social Preferences, Intentions and Empathy. An Experiment with Normally Developing and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Subjects
06 febbraio 2009
Dipartimento di Economia e Crenos
Ciclo di Seminari
Prossima iniziativa:
6 febbraio 2009
Vittorio Pelligra, Università di Cagliari
Social Preferences, Intentions and Empathy. An Experiment with Normally
Developing and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Subjects
V. Pelligra, I. Doneddu, R. Fadda, A. Isoni*
Social Preferences, Intentions and Empathy.
An experiment with Normally Developing and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Subjects
Models of social preferences are based either on distributional concerns or intention-detection. The former assume that agents can empathize with others while the latter assume that agents can “mind-read”. This paper reports on the results of two experiments involving Normally Developing subjects and subjects affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders, based on, respectively, several variants
of the ultimatum mini-game and of the trust game. In both experiments we also investigate the cognitive and social abilities of each subject using standard theory-of-mind and moral judgment tests as well as the Cambridge Empathy Quotient Questionnaire. Our data provide support for the following provisional conclusions: first, intention-detection is likely to explain negatively reciprocal choices; second, empathy is negatively correlated with inequality-aversion; third, neither empathy nor intention-detection are likely to explain positive reciprocity.
Keywords: Social Preferences, Theory of Mind, Empathy, Autism.
JEL classification: C72, C91.
* Rispettivamente:
  • Dipartimento di Economia e Crenos, Università di Cagliari
  • Centre for pervasive Developmental Disorders Ospedale Brotzu, Cagliari
  • Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Cagliari
School of Economics, University of East Anglia 
Salvo diversa indicazione, tutti i seminari avranno luogo il venerdì alle ore 12:00 presso l’Aula Magna della Facoltà di Economia in Viale Sant’Ignazio 74.
La serie di seminari è coordinata dal Prof. B. Moro e dal Prof. P. Mattana.
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Tutti i ricercatori interessati a presentare i risultati, anche parziali, delle loro ricerche in un seminario sono invitati a prendere contatti col prof. Moro (moro@unica.it) o col prof. Mattana (mattana@unica.it).

Per maggiori informazioni, siete pregati di mettervi in contatto con Prof. Moro, telefonando al numero 070 675 3313 o via e-mail all’indirizzo moro@unica.it

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