UniCa UniCa News Avvisi PhD degree online application and thesis upload

PhD degree online application and thesis upload

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

26 gennaio 2017
Please, note that starting from the thesis defences for the academic year 2015/2016, you’ll have to submit online the application for your PhD degree and for your thesis archive, by entering your personal page https://unica.esse3.cineca.it/Start.do and following the guidelines below:


Thesis defence in March: the submission process will work from February 1st 2017 until the 15th day before the thesis defence scheduled date. If the date hasn’t been scheduled yet, the 15 days will be calculated starting from March 1st 2017 – beginning of the defences timetable.


Thesis defence in April: the submission process will probably work from March 1st 2017 until the 15th day before the thesis defence scheduled date. If the date hasn’t been scheduled yet, the 15 days will be calculated starting from April 1st 2017 – beginning of the defences timetable.


Please, note that the online submission process for your thesis defence application will be active only after that the Academic Board communicates the defence date to the Office in charge (Settore dottorati e master).


Within 15 days before the date of your thesis defence, you must:
1. Submit your PhD degree application
2. Upload your thesis
3. Pay the stamp duty, € 16,00


PhD thesis
You must submit your PhD thesis in a single PDF file, including a cover, not exceeding 50 MB. You can’t upload your thesis in multiple files. Your file must be named “tesi di dottorato_ ... (PhD student’s name and surname)”. You can download the official cover template from the section “Modulistica”. 


Scientific Disciplinary Sector
All the PhD theses must indicate the acronym of their scientific disciplinary sector, according to a note issued by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) (prot. 1581 of July 26th 2005). Only the alphanumeric code is required (for example: MAT/01, ING-IND/19, M-FIL/06).
The submission process only allows you to indicate the main one. You will enter the other possible scientific disciplinary sectors in the section “note sulla domanda”.
At this link you can find a complete list of scientific disciplinary sectors:


Thesis Embargo Request
A thesis embargo request can be submitted only under certain conditions.
(Please, read the articles “Tesi di dottorato e diritto d’autore” and “Embargo della tesi di dottorato”).
A thesis embargo request form must be necessarily undersigned by your tutor, and named “richiesta di embargo della tesi_(PhD student’s name and surname)”. You can download a non-editable form from the section “Modulistica”. 


Record of Phd Activities
All the PhD students receiving a scholarship must hand in their records of attendance concerning their 3-year PhD course. Please, hand in your records once filled in and signed.

For the detailed deadlines, please check the table (Italian version)

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