UniCa UniCa News Avvisi WORKSHOP 2019 “Student mobility, university and post-university choices” April 11-12, 2019 - Deadlines for submission January 14, 2019. Contributed papers will receive a notification of acceptance before January 30. We may accept only 4 contributed paper

WORKSHOP 2019 “Student mobility, university and post-university choices” April 11-12, 2019 - Deadlines for submission January 14, 2019. Contributed papers will receive a notification of acceptance before January 30. We may accept only 4 contributed paper

Autore dell'avviso: Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali

31 gennaio 2019
WORKSHOP 2019 “Student mobility, university and post-university choices” April 11-12, 2019



“Student mobility, university and post-university choices”
April 11-12, 2019

Università di Cagliari

The study of students' mobility choices has become a topic of great relevance in recent years, as it is closely related to the long run debate on the measurement of the quality of the universities and to the allocation of public funds. An analysis of the determinants of students’ mobility choices is a starting point for the building up of a fair system of evaluation of universities, the enhancement of education pathways that can contribute to the development of skills required in the disadvantaged areas and the redefinition of the policies for the allocation of public resources. The workshop is organised within the activities of the project "Students’ mobility in Sardinia. A comparative analysis of the tertiary education supply in Sardinia" with the aim to (i) analyse the phenomenon of student mobility and assessing factors that have the greatest influence on students’ university choices, (ii) to relate the education supply of the universities with respect to the student demand, (iii) to build a system of indicators that helps to measure the value-added for students to move for university studies according to the field of study, (iv) to inform students and families’ choices and (v) to provide policy-makers with recommendations to support university policies and the allocation of public resources. Contributions addressed to analyse students’ mobility choices and to measure university quality in terms of "attractiveness" and "effectiveness" in an economic, demographic and sociological perspective are welcome as well as methodological contributions which propose new or advanced statistical techniques for the analysis of mobility data.

Scientific Committee: Massimo Attanasio, Silvia Columbu, Claudio Conversano, Giulio Ghellini, Francesco Mola, Mariano Porcu, Luisa Salaris, Isabella Sulis, Nicola Tedesco.

Registration and further information: Registration is compulsory to attend the workshop. There are not registration fees. Partecipants who wish to attend the workshop should send an email at the following address: workshop.studentmobility@gmail.com

Submitting a contribution: Scholars who wish to submit a contribution to the workshop need to send title and a short paper (about 2 pages) at the following address: workshop.studentmobility@gmail.com. Invited contributions are required to send only title and abstract.
Deadlines: Deadlines for submission January 14, 2019. Contributed papers will receive a notification of acceptance before January 30. We may accept only 4 contributed papers

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