The Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy brings together teachers and researchers from three major disciplinary areas. Most of the members carry out investigations on pedagogical, psychological and philosophical topics, but the Department also includes among its members scholars engaged in other disciplinary fields (computer science, mathematics, physics, linguistics, literature).
From a methodological point of view, the research is designed and conducted with different approaches, characterized by specific theoretical, historical and empirical systems.
In order to pursue the aims of its institutional mission, the structure of the Department includes the following bodies: Department Council, Director, Committee, Administrative Secretariat, the Self-Assessment Commission and the Quality Contact. The Self-Assessment Commission, chaired and coordinated by the Director with the support of the Quality Contact, is made up of the Administrative Secretary and his technical area delegate, as well as representatives of the teachers who are members of the Department and of the students. They carry out support functions in the periodic deadlines of the review and of the new Triennial Plan, with nomination by the Department Council, additional teachers in relation to specific evaluation and in-depth needs and all the members of the Department Council (which instructs the practices connected with research, teaching, the third mission and the transversal area). Furthermore, the following commissions are specific structures of the Department with support functions: the Commission for the distribution of research funds assigned by the University, the Teaching Commission, the VQR Commission, the HE Commission, the Communication Commission and the Subject Experts Commission . Further commissions are appointed ad hoc by the Department Council and in relation to specific contingencies. Some members of the Department carry out management roles of significant importance for the monitoring of the Department's scientific research, with appointment by University bodies such as the Contact for the Iris Platform and the Contact for the University Research Cluster Consultation.
Starting from 1st July 2018, the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy - Faculty of Humanistic Studies, University of Cagliari, is directed by Prof. Loredana Lucarelli, who has currently designated Prof. Roberta Fadda as the Deputy director.
The Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy intends to pursue a policy of planning and management of activities aimed at continuous improvement and consistent with the strategic and programmatic lines of the University, with the usual criteria for ensuring the quality of training and university research, as well as with those linked to the Third Mission (in accordance with the provisions of national regulations and both national and international good practices). The Department pursues continuous improvement also through the participation of its members in competitive national and international calls for research funding.

Mission, vision, values

The Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, due to its multidisciplinary and pluralistic structure, responds to a social and cultural demand for the development of theoretical and applied research, as well as the need for knowledge transfer, particularly in the areas of teacher and educator training and pedagogists, philosophers, psychologists and communication experts, including digital ones. In particular, the Department is the reference structure for: a) the single-cycle primary training course which qualifies nursery and primary school teachers; b) access to teaching careers in secondary schools for the Philosophy and History (A19) and Philosophy and Human Sciences (A18) classes; c) completion of the internship and the State Examination for the qualification to practice the profession of psychologist.
In accordance with the University's strategic lines and the Integrated Programming Strategic Document, the general objectives of the Department aim at improving the quality of research, teaching and third mission activities, pursued within the context of an effective use of available resources, and oriented towards closer interaction with the social and cultural needs typical of the territory. A further objective is to increase the level of competitiveness of the Department in the context of national and international tenders for carrying out research activities, both basic and applied.

Mission: In its current configuration, the Department embodies and represents its three cultural and scientific areas, promoting research in the pedagogical, psychological and philosophical fields. The objective of the Department is to share the educational background, interests, aims, methods and tools that its members adopt in their research activity. The Department also pursues the development of a unitary cultural profile, without however losing sight of the value of interdisciplinary research and the specificity of the specialist skills and methodologies characteristic of its three areas in research, teaching, in the field of third mission activities and transversal area.

Vision: The Department pursues its aims in the field of research through the development and publication of scientific articles, essays and monographs, the organization of scientific and cultural events such as conferences, seminars and workshops. The Department also promotes participation in competitive research funding calls. In the field of teaching, the Department supports the first, second and third level training offer: in the latter area the Department activates and coordinates professionalizing master's degrees, expresses a research doctorate that incorporates three curricula, and runs a specialization school in health psychology.

Values: To achieve the strategic objectives, all activities are based on the values that represent the inspiring principles, expressing the cultural and identity heritage of the University. The conduct of the individual bodies is inspired by criteria of sharing and participation in decision-making processes, simplification, quality assurance and continuous improvement, innovation, social responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency, evaluation and merit, transparency, equal opportunities. Regarding this last value, the Department has specific skills and contributes to the training and awareness of technical-administrative staff, teachers and researchers and students. The Department also promotes the realization of the sustainable development goals set by the UN 2030 Agenda, and especially goal 3 (Health and well-being), goal 4 (Quality education), goal 5 (Gender equality ), Goal 10 (Reduce inequalities), Goal 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions).

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