From the next session (May 2022), the computer-based tests will take place in presence in the laboratories indicated in the schedule. The oral tests will take place via Skype with the language expert. Only those who live outside of Sardinia or who find some difficulties with transportation can apply for online test.  

The request access to the online test must be sent to the address:, cc (copy) THIS MUST BE STRICTLY DONE AT LEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE TEST.  
The oral tests will continue to take place online via Skype, as usual.  

Verify that the registration form is active for the reference month, checking the website calendar for the activation date thereof.  


This message will appear when you try to sign in with an account that is not the Unica ESSE3 account. 
Enter the access credentials to ESSE3 online services, followed by Example: 

You cannot access with old hotmail accounts, new @outlook accounts, or any other account that is not an ESSE3 account. 


After having verified that: 

The link form is correct (probably, you did not copy the link correctly); 

The registration has not already expired (if the deadline stated on the website is the last available day at 12, then, if you try to open the form that same day at 12:01, the form will not accept any other responses), then clear your browser's cache. 

Follow this guide to clear cache on Chrome browser

Follow this guide to clear cache on Edge browser

Follow this guide to clear cache on Safari browser 

Follow this guide to clear cache on Firefox browser

Follow this guide to clear cache on Internet Explorer browser

No, it is not. It is a registration required to quantify the total number of people interested in the project.   

With the FULL REGISTRATION (effective registration for the test): 

after expressing your interest, you will receive a link to the address you entered in the expression of interest form to enter your complete data in another form. You will also receive information about the enrolment fee. 
You will receive this email containing the link after your expression of interest deadline. 

Example: if your expression of interest deadline is “02/28/2021 h.12:00”, then you will receive the link to the address you entered in the expression of interest form in the days following the 02/28/2021. 

Follow this guide: “How to get your Skype username successfully” to find your Skype name. 

Follow this GUIDE if you do not have Skype.  

Verify your fiscal code; 

Verify that your email address is correct, you will receive our communications and invitations there; 

Verify that your Skype name is correct, it is necessary to participate in the oral test;  

Verify that the language selected and the level which you are interested in are correct;  

For students, verify that the payment attached in PDF format is being entered correctly.  

You will receive a link, which points you to a FULL REGISTRATION form, to the email indicated in your expression of interest: do not worry, you will receive your payment information later.  

From 2024, the University Language Centre will issue a badge (digital certificate) or a digitally signed certificate in the weeks following the oral test, attesting the level of proficiency required: if you do not pass the computerized test for the required level, it will not be possible to access the oral test and no certification will be issued. Please note that the minimum level of proficiency required to issue the Badge is level A2 and that it is not possible to duplicate previously issued badges. Moreover, you need to check its validity depending on the purposes for which it is intended to be used. 


If you fail the test, you should skip a session before taking it again. 

Yes, you can. However, we suggest you to use this service only as a last option, and only after having verified the possibilities available within the UNICA-CLA English language project in terms of Courses and exams offered free of charge. For further information, please write to: 

We inform you that students have a maximum of 3 attempts FOR EACH LEVEL (not per academic year or calendar year) which they can make with their Faculty through Mock test

Exhausted attempts, they could take the test again skipping a turn (they could not take the test immediately following), in order to achieve adequate preparation. 

You need to contact the help desk writing to: to report the problem. 

You cannot use the paid fee again in subsequent sessions, but you can ask for a refund if the test was not taken in full.  

If the test had been taken even partially (only computer-based test completed), the fee shall NOT be refundable.  

You can make a refund request by contacting the University of Cagliari Language Centre Administration ( which will provide you with all the helpful information and the necessary documentation. 

Potrà provvedere a scaricare il suo badge non appena lo riceverà all'indirizzo di posta elettronica indicato in fase di registrazione. Sarà inviato entro le due settimane successive al termine delle prove e consigliamo di scaricarlo quanto prima soprattutto agli studenti poichè una volta terminata la carriera non sarà più possibile accedere al link inviato

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