L'associazione ludica Macchia organizza "stasera giochiamo" serata ludica per universitari
giovedì 12 luglio ore 19.00 via Università 49
giovedì 12 luglio ore 19.00 via Università 49
Communication protocols during crises: experiences from the USA, France and Italy
venerdì 13 luglio ore 20.30 presso l'Exmà
Retinoids and beta-carotene in lipoproteins: Uptake and metabolism by the developping tissues
RNA Origami: Lots of Different SHAPES
Predicting binding kinetics and free energy profiles of drug receptor complexes from all-atom simulations
Modelling Flow and Pollutant Transport in Groundwater
Selected topics in Classification; Statistical Process Control; Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
The components of life - An introduction to cellular and structural biology