Victor Eremeev-Rzeszów University of Technology
Introduction into Cosserat-type theories of beams, plates and shells with applications
Introduction into Cosserat-type theories of beams, plates and shells with applications
Neo-Liberalism’s ‘war on young people’: What hope for education and social justice?
Taxation and other determinants of tourism demand
QUALITA’, in Aula magna di Ingegneria mattinata di lavori sul processo di miglioramento dell’amministrazione. LE FOTO
Dipartimento di Pedagogia Psicologia e Filosofia, concluso a Maracalagonis il progetto coordinato dalla prof. Cabras. LE FOTO
Diacylglycerol Lipase Disinhibits VTA Dopamine Neurons During Chronic Nicotine Exposure
Changing Landscape in Higher Education: Implications for Research Innovation