Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e aziendali

Interessi di ricerca

I principali temi di ricerca si sviluppano all'intersezione tra imprenditorialità, organizzazione e innovazione, con un interesse particolare volto a comprendere i meccanismi che guidano i comportamenti imprenditoriali nella creazione di nuova impresa e nelle imprese esistenti.

Tra gli argomenti di interesse vi sono l'apprendimento organizzativo, l'organizzazione imprenditoriale, la creazione di nuova impresa e, più in generale, la relazione individuo-contesto nella generazione di cambiamento e innovazione.

Attività didattica

  • Titolare dell’insegnamento “Innovazione e Creatività” nel corso di studi magistrale in Economia Manageriale
  • Co-titolare dell'insegnamento di "Management Sanitario" nel corso di studi di Tecnico di radiologia

Pubblicazioni principali

Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Barbosa, S. D., Di Guardo, M. C., & Fayolle, A. (2023). Entrepreneurial intention studies: A hybrid bibliometric method to identify new directions for theory and research. European Management Review. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/emre.12599

Maryami, S., Loi, M., Martinez, M. and Di Guardo, M.C. (2023), "On the role of team passion in inventing, founding and developing: what happens in the early stages of entrepreneurship?", Journal of Small Business and  Enterprise Development, 30(4), 692-713. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSBED-07-2022-0302.

Bellini, D., Barbieri, B., Loi, M., Mondo, M., & De Simone, S. (2023). The Restorative Quality of the Work Environments: The Moderation Effect of Environmental Resources between Job Demands and Mindfulness. Social
12(7), 375.

Loi, M., & Fayolle, A. (2022). Rethinking and reconceptualising entrepreneurship education a legacy from Alistair Anderson. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 34 (7-8), 701-721. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08985626.2022.2072001.

Loi, M., & M. Chiara, Di Guardo (2022). Imprenditorialità e creazione di impresa nel contesto universitario Italiano. Franco Angeli: Milano. ISBN: 9788835121886.

Loi, M., Marras, G., & Cabiddu (2022). Pensiero divergente e performance dei social media influence: quale ruolo per la creatività?. In G. Bertoli et al., (Eds.), Innovazione e Management (pp. 327-337). EGEA Editore, Milano.

Loi, M., Fayolle, A., van Gelderen, M., Riot, E., Refai, D., Higgins, D., ... & Cavarretta, F. (2021). Entrepreneurship Education at the Crossroads: Challenging Taken-for-Granted Assumptions and Opening New Perspectives. Journal of Management Inquiry, DOI: 10564926211042222.

Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Marku, E., & Moi, L. (2021). Disentangling the corporate entrepreneurship construct: conceptualizing through co-words. Scientometrics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03846-2

Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, M. and Di Guardo, M.C. (2021). Strive towards a good performance or avoid a failure performance in entrepreneurship education: a look into growth and independence-oriented intentions. Education + Training, 63(4), 513-529. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/ET-08-2020-0254.

Loi, M. & Fayolle, A. (2021). The impact of entrepreneurship education. An overview of the past, the present, and a glimpse of future trends. In C. H. Matthews and E. W. Liguori (Eds.), Annals of Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy (pp. 170-193). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Di Guardo, M. C., Marku, E., Bonivento, W. M., Castriotta, M., Ferroni, F., Galbiati, C., Gorini, G. & Loi, M. (2021). When nothing is certain, anything is possible: open innovation and lean approach at MVM. R&D Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12453

Marku, E., Castriotta, E., Loi, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2020). General Purpose Technology: The Blockchain Domain. International Journal of Business and Management, 15(11), 192-205.

Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C., Loi, M., & Marku, E. (2020). La strategia. In M. Martinez (Ed). Organizzazione aziendale. Giappichelli Editore.

Castriotta. M., Loi, M., Marku, E., & Naitana, L. (2019). What's in a name? Exploring the Conceptual Structure of Emerging Organizations. Scientometrics. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-018-2977-2.

Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C. & Loi, M. (2019). Mapping innovation in the digital transformation era: The role of technology convergence. In K. Mezghani & W. Aloulou (Eds.), Business Transformations in the Era of Digitalization. PA: IGI-Global. ISBN: 9781522572626.

Loi, M. (2018). Dealing with the inconsistency of studies in entrepreneurship education effectiveness: A systemic approach to drive future research. In A. Fayolle (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78643 291 9.

Tixier J., Loi, M., Le Pontois, S., Tavakoli, M., & Fayolle, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship education effectiveness: What we can learn from education and organizational studies. In J. Turner & G. Mulholland (Eds.), Enterprising Education: International Perspectives, Challenges, and Practice. Routledge. ISBN: 9781315518206.

Loi, M. (2018). Dynamics of entrepreneurship education: How human and social capital interact with learning. In N. Zakaria, & L. Kaushal (Eds.), Global Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation in the Sharing Economy. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. ISBN: 9781522528357.

Loi, M., Castriotta, M., &  Di Guardo, M. C. (2018). The Power of optimism and the adaptive process in a learning context of venture creation. In P. Canonico, S. Consiglio, G. Mangia, M. Martinez, R. Mercurio, & L. Moschera (Eds), Organizing in the shadow of power: Voices from the Italian community of organization studies. Studi MOA. ISBN: 9781317749462.

Bellò, B., Mattana, V., & Loi, M. (2018). The power of peers: A new look at the impact of creativity, social context and self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(1), 214-233.

Castriotta, M., & Loi, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship education and the rise of new organizations. Mapping research and future tendencies. Franco Angeli: Milano. ISBN: 9788891763860.

Di Guardo, M. C., & Loi, M. (2016). Nuova Impresa – Cercasi studente esperto con forte propensione imprenditoriale. Prospettive in Organizzazione, 5, 1-7.

Loi, M., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2016). The Theoretical foundation of entrepreneurship education: How co-citations are shaping the field, International Small Business Journal, 34(7), 948-971.

Loi, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2015). The third mission of universities: An investigation of the espoused values. Science and Public Policy, 42(6), 855-870.

Loi, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2015). A start-up generation approach for teaching entrepreneurship: An overview of affective learning results. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 20(04), 1550027.

Loi, M., Bellò, B., & Mattana, V. (2015). Valutazione del rischio stress lavoro correlato: il caso di una pubblica amministrazione. Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia, 37 (1), 56-64.

Peer-reviewed Proceedings

Loi, M., Castriotta, E., Marku, E., Di Guardo, M. C., & Patriotta, G. (2021). Prospecting, balancing and reversing: entrepreneurial learning from positive and negative events. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 15755). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Opizzi, M., & Loi, M. (2021). A theory-driven model of the spin-off creation process: A Social Information Processing perspective. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. DOI_https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.15849abstract

Opizzi, M., & Loi, M. (2021). Looking at the spin-off process through a social information processing lens: a systematic literature review. In Workshop di Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA) 2021.

Loi, M., Castriotta, E., Marku, E., Di Guardo, M. C., & Patriotta, G. (2020). Everyday experience and entrepreneurial learning: When ordinary events trigger learning. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2019: BCERC Proceedings (Best paper - BCERC).

Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2020). Strive or Avoid: A Motivational Perspective of Growth and Independence-oriented Intentions. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. ISSN: 0065-0668.

Maryami, S., Loi, M., & Martinez, M. (2020). Peers and Social Network in the Entrepreneurial Development: A Systematic Literature Review. EURAM The business of now: the future starts here.

Maryami, S., Loi, M., Di Guardo, MC., & Martinez, M. (2020). Teams: A systematic literature review and implications for entrepreneurship education". ESU Conference - Helsinki, Finland.

Loi, M., Cogoni, M., Di Guardo, M. C., & Filatotchev, I. (2019, July). The Cognitive Base of Educational Background and its Impact on Entrepreneurial Knowledge Structures. Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 12077). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Marku, E., & Di Guardo, M.C. (2018). Entrepreneurs’ practical wisdom: Entrepreneur-event nexus in the entrepreneurial learning process. XXXII Rent Conference. ISSN: 2219-5572.

Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Barbosa, S., Di Guardo, M. C., Fayolle, A., & Linan, F. (2017). Modes of thought in entrepreneurial intention studies: A collective intelligence perspective. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Atlanta. ISSN: 0065-0668.

Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2017). Entrepreneurial intention or intentions? An empirical investigation on Douglas’ conceptualization. XXXI Rent Conference. ISSN: 2219-5572.

Loi, M., Cogoni, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2015). An investigation on entrepreneurial knowledge structures: The role of university students background. In Linking Technology and Feeding the Mind, ECP Congress; Innexta: Milano. ISBN: 978-8898116225.

Loi, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2015). Fostering entrepreneurship: Which outcomes for Entrepreneurial education?. In Linking Technology and Feeding the Mind, EPC Congress; Innexta: Milano. ISBN: 978-8898116225.

Formazione e carriera

  • Abilitazione scientifica nazionale professore II fascia - Settore disciplinare SECS-P10 Organizzaizone Aziendale
  • 2019 - in corso - Ricercatore a tempo determinato (tipo b) presso l'Univerisità di Cagliari
  • Novembre 2018 - Febbraio 2019 - Visiting presso Warwick Business School (Coventry - Uk)
  • 2017 - 2019 - Ricercatore a tempo determinato (tipo a) presso l'Univerisità di Cagliari
  • Ottobre - Dicembre 2016 - Visiting presso presso EMLyon Business School (Lione - Fr)
  • 2012 - 2016 Research fellow presso l'Univerisità di Cagliari
  • 2008 - 2011 Collaboratore presso l'Ufficio di Trasferimento Tecnologico dell'Università di Cagliari
  • 2008 - Ph.D. in Psicologia delle Organizzazioni presso l'Università di Verona in co-tutela con l'Università Lille3 (Fr)


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