
Giovanni Boccia Artieri

Giovanni Boccia Artieri (Ph.D.) is Full Professor of Sociology of Communication and Digital Media at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), where he serves as Vice Rector for Teaching, Internal and External Communication. He directs the LaRiCA Center (Research Laboratory on Artificial Communication).

His main research interests revolve around media theory, with a focus on social media and participatory culture. Current research projects include mediatization processes; fringe platforms; online hate speech studies; media manipulation and disinformation.

He has published articles in national and international journals such as Information, Communication & Society, Current Sociology, International Journal of Communication, Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, Media and Communication, and Social Media + Society. In 2020, he was appointed a member of the Academia Europaea and works within the Film, Media and Visual Studies section.

Giovanni Boccia Artieri

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